Page 31 - Laporan Tahunan 2020 PPZ-MAIWP
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          PUS A T  PUNGUT AN ZAKA T  - MAIWP                                                               29

          mula diperkenalkan dengan dibekalkan komputer      facilities.  All employees  were given two  weeks of
          notebook dan broadband.Semua pekerja diberikan cuti   quarantine leave after undergoing the Covid-19 swab
          kuarantin selama dua minggu selepas menjalani ujian   test.
          calit (swab test) Covid-19.

                                                             ZAKAT ACADEMY (AZKA)
          SEMINAR                                            In the year 2020, six seminars were held to discuss and
          Sebanyak enam seminar dalam  tahun 2020  yang      seek solutions on issues related to zakat. Among them
          dilaksanakan  bertujuan  membahas,  membincang  dan   are virtual workshops with the theme of Syariah Maqasid
          mencari penyelesaian isu-isu  yang  berkaitan dengan   (objectives of shariah) and governance. Discussion on
          zakat.  Antaranya seminar secara maya bertemakan   current models and innovations in the zakat institutions.
          maqasid syariah dan tadbir urus. Perbincangan mengenai   Syariah Maqasid,  which serves as the reference and
          model dan inovasi semasa  di dalam institusi-institusi   benchmark, was emphasized in administering the zakat
          zakat. Rujukan dan kayu ukur maqasid syariah ditekankan   institutions management to meet Syariah requirements.
          dalam mengendalikan pengurusan  institusi zakat untuk   Also, discussions on income tax savings tips  were
          memenuhi kehendak syariah. Selain itu, diskusi secara   conducted  via  webinar.  The  webinar touched on how
          webinar mengenai  tips penjimatan cukai pendapatan.   zakat payment enables deduction (rebate) from income
          Bagaimana membayar zakat dapat penolakkan (rebate)   tax payment.
          dari pembayaran cukai pendapatan.
                                                             The discourse on post-Covid-19 economic recovery
          Diskusi pemulihan ekonomi pasca Covid-19 melihatkan   talked about how the country’s economic situation
          keadaan  ekonomi   negara   turut  terjejas.  Satu  was also affected. Another discussion revolved around
          perbincangan  mengenai aset digital  yang menjadi isu   digital assets, which had become another current issue.
          semasa. Antara lainnya adakah aset-aset berupa digital   Among the questions raised was, should digital assets
          ini perlu dizakatkan? Masih banyak persoalan untuk   be categorized under zakat on assets? The enforcement
          menguatkuasakan zakat aset digital ini.            of zakat on these digital assets still gathers entirely of
          Zakat juga boleh dijadikan pelengkap Instrument Ekonomi
          Satu  topic mengenai Zakat Pelengkap Instrument    Zakat can also serve to complement the Economic
          Ekonomi  telah dihuraikan Penasihat Ekonomi Perdana   Instrument. As a Complementary Economic Instrument,
          Menteri, Dr Muhammed Abdul Khalid. Ketika ini pelbagai   a topic on zakat was amplified by the Prime Minister’s
          bentuk instrument  berbentuk applikasi yang berupaya   Economic  Advisor, Dr  Muhammed  Abdul  Khalid.
          dimanfaatkan dalam kaedah pembayaran zakat.        Currently, there are various types of instruments in the
                                                             form of applications or apps that can be leveraged for
                                                             paying the zakat.
          Kajian ke atas pembayar zakat  tidak mengulang (2019)
          dibuat untuk mengukur dan meneliti sebab pembayar   SURVEY
          2018 yang tidak membayar zakat semula. Seramai 6,677   A study on one-time zakat payers (2019) was conducted
          responden menyertai tinjauan ini melalui platform Survey   to  measure  and  examine  the  reasons  why  2018  zakat
          Monkey. Tiga sebab utama pembayar  tidak mengulang   payers are no longer making zakat contributions. A total
          membayar zakat kerana berpindah  tempat kerja,     of 6,677 respondents participated in this study through
          membayar di pusat zakat lain dan berpindah  tempat   the SurveyMonkey platform. The three main reasons for
          tinggal.                                           one-time payers  of zakat are a transfer of  workplace,
                                                             payment is made at a different zakat centre, and
                                                             relocation to a new place.
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