Page 39 - Laporan Tahunan 2020 PPZ-MAIWP
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PUSAT PUNGUTAN ZAKAT - MAIWP                                                                     37




          Dalam struktur  tadbir korporat, Pengerusi dan Ketua   In the corporate governance structure, the Chairman
          Pegawai Eksekutif bersama-sama ahli-ahli Lembaga   and Chief Executive Officer, together with the Board of
          Pengarah dan peringkat pengurusan bertanggungjawab   directors and the management level, are responsible
          bagi penyeliaan dan peranan  PPZ-MAIWP dalam       for the supervision and role of PPZ-MAIWP in the
          masyarakat.                                        community.

          Lembaga Pengarah memastikan dari segi pelaksanaan   The Board ensures the formal implementation of risk
          penilaian risiko, perancangan strategik, pengurusan   assessment, strategic planning, financial management
          kewangan dan pengurusan operasi PPZ-MAIWP.         and operational management of PPZ-MAIWP.  These
          Langkah-langkah ini untuk menjaga kepentingan      measures are to safeguard to meet the interests of
          pemegang   saham,  pembayar   zakat  dan   pihak   shareholders, zakat payers and other stakeholders.
          berkepentingan lain dapat dipenuhi.
                                                             The Board also developed the leadership needed to
          Lembaga Pengarah  turut mengembangkan kepimpinan   enable PPZ-MAIWP objectives to be achieved in line
          yang diperlukan bagi membolehkan objektif PPZ-MAIWP   with the internal control framework.
          dipenuhi selaras dengan rangka kerja kawalan dalaman.

                                                             BOARD OF DIRECTORS
          AHLI-AHLI LEMBAGA PENGARAH                         The Minister appointed the eight members of the Board
          Ahli Lembaga Pengarah seramai lapan orang yang dilantik   of Directors in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious
          Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Agama) adalah atas   Affairs) upon the recommendation of members of the
          cadangan ahli Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan   Federal Territory Islamic Council (MAIWP). Four of them
          (MAIWP). Empat  orang yang dilantik atas jawatan iaitu   that are appointed to office are the Mufti of Federal
          Mufti  Wilayah Persekutuan, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif   Territory, the Chief Executive Officer, the Secretary and
          MAIWP, Setiausaha MAIWP dan Pengurus Kewangan      the Financial Manager of MAIWP. Each Board Member
          MAIWP. Setiap Ahli Lembaga Pengarah menerima elaun   receives a monthly allowance and paid allowances
          bulanan dan elaun kehadiran  mesyuarat.  Ahli Lembaga   for attending meetings.  Members of the Board do not
          Pengarah tidak menerima fi tahunan. Senarai nama ahli-  receive annual fees. List of names members of Board of
          ahli Lembaga Pengarah sehingga 31 Disember 2020.   Directors till 31 December 2020.
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