Page 103 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 103

and has enhanced and adapted it for affordable and
                                                               easy-to-use water purification products. The company
                                                               has installed systems around the world, including home
                                                               water purifiers in India; village processing systems in
                                                               remote areas of Mexico, Central, and South America;
                                                               water bottle filling stations in Pakistan; and even a
                                                               survival bag designed as a first response device for
                                                               natural disasters, refugee camps, civil emergencies
                                                               and remote locations.
                                                               These kinds of joint collaborations show how effectively
                                                               space research can adapt to contribute answers to
                                                               global problems.

                                                               Space Station-Inspired mWater App
                                                               Identifies Healthy Water Sources
                                                               What if that clear, sparkling stream of water coming
                                                               from the ground or a faucet were teeming with
                                                               contaminants? How would you know? Whether you live
                                                               in some remote region of Africa, a high-rise in New York
                                                               City or onboard an orbiting laboratory in space, you
                                                               need reliable drinking water to survive. Now, you can
                                                               check the cleanliness of your water using a phone app.
                                                               This handy tool, based in part on ISS technology,
                                                               provides a global resource that is available for free
                                                               download as an app or usable via the Web browser
                                                               version on most smartphones. Governments, health
                                                               workers and the public can make use of the mWater
                                                               app ( to record and share
                                                               water test results. During the first year of beta release,
                                                               more than 1,000 users downloaded mWater and
                  Filtration system providing clean, safe water   mapped several thousand water sources. Currently,
                  installed at a school in Chiapas, Mexico.    mWater is used by more than 25,000 government,
                  Image credit: Sinergia Systemas              non-profit and academic institutions in 147 countries.
                                                               John Feighery, mWater co-founder and former lead
                                                               engineer for air and water monitoring with NASA, was
               the water. When added to the diet, iodine promotes   inspired by his work for the space station. There, he
               proper brain function and helps maintain levels of   and his team created efficient, mobile and ambient
               hormones that regulate cell development and growth.   testing techniques to test for contamination in drinking
               Children born in iodine-deficient areas are at risk of   water sources without the need for costly lab
               neurological disorders and mental retardation.
               With the help of U.S. Army Civil Affairs and
               Psychological Operations Command (Airborne)
               personnel, a 2,000-liter water tank and fresh water   Whether you live in some remote
               were delivered to the village in Iraq. Workers ensured   region of Africa, a high-rise in New
               that the water was clean and iodinated to prevent
               bacteria and virus contamination.               York City or onboard an orbiting
               Since that initial effort, the commercialization of this   laboratory in space, you need
               NASA technology has provided aid and disaster relief   reliable drinking water to survive.
               for communities worldwide. WSC owns the rights to
               NASA’s iodinated resin water purification technology

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