Page 105 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 105

B4H 3rd Edition

                                                                Using the microbial analysis
               Testing—and                                      technology developed for ESA,
               Verifying—the Waters
               Founded by researchers                           Bioclear can identify the presence of
               behind NASA’s Microbial                          a bacterial threat in water or soil and
               Water Analysis Kit (part of the space station’s   estimate the power of that threat.
               environmental control systems), mWater is a
               non-profit venture focused on providing
               low-cost test kits and monitoring software in
               support of the global Water and Sanitation for
               Health (WASH) initiative. Currently, mWater is   microbes to remove air pollutants offer a solution;
               the largest WASH access database on the         however, they pose risks. Harmful bacteria could
               planet. Based on space station technology,      grow on the filters and cause damage to equipment
               the mWater testing kit costs $10 and uses       and systems on the space station.
               efficient, mobile techniques to test for        The ISS has been a home to humans for more than
               contamination in drinking water sources.        15 years. Keeping the space station air clean and
               The accompanying mobile applications            safe can be a challenge since contaminants build
               receive more than 70,000 submissions per        up over time. Astronauts on long missions are
               month, and enable the public to record          particularly susceptible to microbial infections due to
               water quality and map safe water sources.       their weakened immune systems. Bioclear, a Dutch
                                                               company specializing in soil pollution, teamed with ESA
                                                               to develop an air filter for the ISS that uses bacteria to
               Human           Earth Observation         Innovative             Global            Economic
                                                               B4H 3rd Edition
                                                               convert contaminants into carbon dioxide and water for
               Health             and Disaster           Technology           Education         Development
                                   Response                    reuse. The company developed a screening technique
                                                                                                  of Space
               Feighery’s experience writing crew procedures at NASA
               influenced the design of the app, which is task-oriented
               and designed to require very little training beyond
               following the procedure. In the future, the mWater team
               plans to introduce checklists for each type of water test   New Filtering
               to further improve ease of use and reduce the training   Technology
               needed to perform field testing.                 “Sweats the
               Test results upload to the cloud-based global water   Small Stuff”
               database using a phone’s Global Positioning System    A partnership between the European Space
               to identify the exact location of the water source.    Agency and Bioclear resulted in a new biological
               Each location gets a unique and permanent numeric   filter and DNA screening technology being
               identifier for reference by those who visit the global   commercialized through a spin-off company,
               water source map for updates. Users can add new    SCIENTIFIC                 ECONOMIC
               water location points and input or update test results,   Bioclear Microbial Analysis (BMA). BMA reported
               thereby working within the open source sharing   assets greater than $500,000 and seven
               approach for the health of the community.        employees at the end of 2017. BMA was created
                                                                to focus on the use of this filtering and screening
                                                                technology in terrestrial applications, including
               Commercial Applications from                     the identification of microbial influenced corrosion
               Microbial Filtration in Space                    (MIC). The global market price to prevent MIC
                                                                is $7 billion.
               Opening a window for a breath of fresh air is not an
               option in space, and cleaning agents can become
               a contaminant themselves. Biological filters that use

                                                                Human            Earth Observation        Innovative             Global            Economic
                                                                 Health            and Disaster           Technology           Education          Development
                                                                                    Response               91                                       of Space
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