Page 118 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 118
B4H 3rd Edition
the ISS. Better mileage and a very real possibility
of reduced pollution on Earth may be possible in
the future.
Three-dimensional Researchers from academia working with NASA’s Glenn
Technology Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, conducted the
Offers Clarity Flame Extinguishing Experiments (FLEX and FLEX 2),
in the “Foggiest” which revealed new insights into how fuel burns.
of Situations Economic Led by principal investigator Forman Williams of the
Neptec Design Group Ltd., now part of University of California, San Diego, who has studied
MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates, honed combustion for more than 50 years, and co-principal
expertise in Triangulation & Light Detection and investigator Vedha Nayagam of Case Western Reserve
Ranging Automated Rendezvous & Docking— University, Cleveland, Ohio, the FLEX investigations
i.e., TriDAR—technologies in development of revealed a never-before-seen, two-stage burning
autonomous spacecraft docking sensors and event. Although a heptane droplet of fuel appeared
algorithms for the Space Shuttle, International to extinguish, it actually continued to burn without
Space Station, and Orbital ATK (now Northrop a visible flame. This knowledge could contribute to
Grumman Innovation Systems) Cygnus resupply reduced pollution and better mileage in engine design
spacecraft. Neptec Design Group is estimated because of improved prediction of flame behavior
during combustion.
to employ around 100 people, and has an
annual revenue of $10 million. In 2011, a spin-off After decades of flame studies that have produced
corporation, Neptec Technologies Corp., was well-understood, theoretical models and numerical
created to translate technologies such as Light simulations, the FLEX flame investigations in
Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) for terrestrial microgravity produced this unexpected result. This is
Human Earth Observation Innovative Global Economic
the first time scientists have observed large droplets
applications. Neptec Technologies employs from
(i.e., approximately 3 millimeters) of heptane fuel that
Health and Disaster Technology Education Development
11 to 50 employees, with an annual revenue of
of Space
up to $10 million. The corporation currently offers had dual modes of combustion and extinction. The fire
went out twice—once with and once without a visible
the OPAL-360 (Obscurant-Penetrating Auto flame. Although the initial burn had a traditional hot
synchronous LiDAR) device—a three-dimensional flame, the second-stage vaporization was sustained
(3-D) scanner that can work in real time and see by what is known as cool flame, chemical heat release.
through obscurants such as dust, snow or fog.
The device has found traction in industries A cool flame is one that burns at about 600°C (1,112°F).
such as mining, rail, aeronautics and marine To understand how cool this is, consider that a typical
transportation. In 2018, Rolls Royce debuted a candle is about two-and-a-half times hotter, burning
at around 1,400°C (2,552°F).
sophisticated new “situational awareness system”
for marine vessels using Neptec LiDAR The phenomenon of the continued burning of heptane
technologies to create a 3-D map of the droplets after flame extinction in certain conditions was
surrounding area for navigation purposes. not anticipated when the study was designed.
This result came during the FLEX investigation on the
space station using the Multi-User Droplet Combustion
Apparatus in the Combustion Integrated Rack (CIR).
Cool Flame Research Aboard the
Space Station may Lead to a Cleaner The FLEX investigation in the
Environment on Earth reduced gravity environment of the
The anxious moments of trying to make the next space station provides new insight
service station, one eye on the fuel gauge, low-fuel light
aglow, may become less frequent in the future. Even into the mysteries of flames and fuel.
choosing which fuel is better for the environment may
be easier, thanks to droplet combustion research on