Page 191 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 191
The effectiveness of the non-pharmacological
computerized method has made it a good candidate
for use both during the preflight training of ISS crew Today, a wide range of experience
members, and during spaceflight, to suppress the has been accumulated in the
symptoms of space motion sickness. The suppression
of negative reactions during flight using the fixation application of Regent in patients
reflex has been successfully applied by crew members with focal defeats of the central
aboard the ISS since 2013.
Moreover, recent studies (2017-2018) in patients with nervous system.
Parkinson’s disease, and carried out in the Research
Center of Neurology, Moscow, have shown that such
an approach using of the OculoStim-CM hardware
and a special battery of computerized tests allow us
to solve the problem of objectifying the neurological The search for methods of restorative treatment for
deficit and assess the disorders in trajectories of head patients with ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury
and eyes movements. Early diagnosis and properly ended with the development of a modified version of
initiated treatment play an important role in stabilizing Penguin. This therapeutic suit is called Regent.
the progression of Parkinson’s disease. Computerized
methods and OculoStim-CM hardware were originally Today, a wide range of experience has been
developed for space research. However, their clinical accumulated in the application of Regent in patients
application now opens the possibility of early diagnosis with focal defects of the central nervous system.
of disorders in Parkinson’s disease, assessing the A total of 112 clinics, which provide specialized
dynamics of these disorders and, in the future, preventive, curative and rehabilitation assistance
proceeding to the screening assessment of these in the Russian Federation, use this technology in
disorders in patients at risk when conventional rehabilitation practice.
diagnostic methods are ineffective.
Space Technologies in Rehabilitation
The increase in the duration of a crewed spaceflight
has resulted in the need to improve the system of
medical support and monitor the health status of
cosmonauts. Traditional means and methods such as
physical exercise are impossible to perform, in some
cases, due to a time deficit limited vehicle space, etc.
In preparation for longer spaceflights, specialists from
IBMP and the company Zvezda developed the axial
loading suit, Penguin, as the space device that could
compensate for the deficit of axial loading of the body
onboard the spacecraft.
The idea to load the musculoskeletal system of
the cosmonaut by using a preventive load suit, Left: The Adeli treatment suit in use for pediatric
which creates a constant load on the skeleton, leg rehabilitation. Right: The Regent suit in use for
muscles and torso, resulted in a dynamic proprioceptive patient rehabilitation.
correction method. This suit was applied in health care Images credit: Aerospace Medical Center and
for the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, thereby Technology, Russia
shortening the time needed to develop walking skills.