Page 190 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 190

suppression of experimentally induced negative
                                                                reactions (full or partial) during the action of visual
                The suppression of negative                     and vestibular stimuli while fixing the gaze on an
                reactions during flight using the               imagined target.
                fixation reflex has been successfully           The non-pharmacological computerized method
                                                                for treating and preventing vertigo, dizziness and
                applied by crew members aboard                  equilibrium disturbances was tested in clinical
                the ISS since 2013.                             conditions jointly with specialists from the nervous
                                                                disease department of the I. M. Sechenov First
                                                                Moscow State Medical University, the Academician
                                                                Alexander Vein Clinic for the Treatment of Headaches
                                                                and Vegetative Disorders, the Federal Scientific Clinical
                                                                Center of Otorhinolaryngology, and the Research
               obvious need to develop non-pharmacological methods   Center of Neurology.
               of preventing and treating space motion sickness.  Results of the clinical work demonstrated that patients
               It is well known that people in extreme professions    acquired the capacity to fixate on and hold their gaze
               such as mountain climbers, athletes, acrobats and   on both real and imagined targets, thus suppressing
               ballet dancers develop the capability to suppress   (fully or partially) vertigo, dizziness, nystagmus, and
               unfavorable vestibular reactions at the moment high   equilibrium disturbances. It was shown that training
               accelerations act on them by developing a “fixation   effectiveness depended not only on the disorder (i.e.,
               reflex.” However, attempts by many clinicians to treat   type of vestibulopathy), but also on the type of training
               patients with vestibular problems using the same   selected. For patients with peripheral vestibulopathies,
               methods have been unsuccessful because of the   the most effective was visual training; for patients with
               vestibular challenges that are unique to this population.   central vestibulopathies, the vestibular method was
               Therefore, experts at the vestibular physiology   the best option; and for patients with psychogenic
               laboratory at the Institute of Biomedical Problems   vestibulopathies, the combined method was preferred.
               developed and patented a “Computerized method of   Analysis of special questionnaires demonstrated
               preventing and correcting unfavorable perception and   that all patients with psychogenic, 91% of patients
               sensorimotor reactions” (Russian Federation patent   with peripheral, and 80% of patients with central
               #2301622 dated 06/27/2007, Kornilova L. N. et al.).   vestibulopathies subjectively noted “good suppression
               The innovation of this method is in creating a unique   of vertigo in everyday conditions” and “improvement in
               approach to the training of patients depending on their   general adaptation to real life conditions.”
               disease (i.e., type of vestibulopathy) and in selecting
               the most effective means of training (e.g., visual,
               vestibular, or combined) by using biofeedback.
               Depending on the nature of the vertigo, dizziness or
               equilibrium disorder and of his/her disease (type of
               vestibulopathy), a series of patient training sessions
               is conducted to develop a unique fixation reflex using
               biofeedback that is provided by the computer using
               this method to record eye and head movements.
               Training is conducted until the negative reactions
               (i.e., vertgo, dizziness and equilibrium disturbances)
               disappear or are significantly reduced. The therapeutic
               effect of the training is assessed through a follow-
               up clinical/neurological examination, which includes
               using the computerized method of comprehensively
               assessing the condition of vestibular function and
               visual tracking function (Russian Federation patent   Visual method of training (Laboratory of
               #2307575 dated 10/10/07, Kornilova L. N. et al.)   Vestibular Physiology, 2013).
               and the specially developed OculoStim-CM hardware   Image credit: Institute of Biomedical Problems
               complex. The indicator of training success is the

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