Page 185 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 185
Improving Balance and Movement
A new technology developed to correct motor disturbances in weightlessness has been used to treat
patients with cerebral palsy, stroke, spinal cord injuries, balance problems and motor decline due to
aging. Assessment of eye movement reactions of cosmonauts, preflight and postflight, has led to
faster and less-expensive diagnoses and treatment of patients suffering from vertigo, dizziness and
equilibrium disturbances. A patented computerized, non-pharmacological method of preventing and
correcting unfavorable perception and sensorimotor reactions is used to train patients and astronauts
to acquire the ability to suppress vertigo, dizziness and equilibrium disturbances.
A system of hardware and software that collects information on body movements of astronauts on the
International Space Station (ISS) has led to motor imagery protocols used in the research environment
of a hospital in Rome in treatment of adult stroke patients and children with cerebral palsy. Other body
movement research on the ISS led to the development of a suit for astronauts to compensate for the
lack of daily loading from gravity. The clinical version of this suit is used for the comprehensive and
drug-free treatment of cerebral palsy in children in Russia. Another clinical variation of this suit is
used on patients who have suffered from stroke or brain trauma.
New Technology Simulates Microgravity processes associated with brain and spinal cord
and Improves Balance on Earth activities. The knowledge obtained revealed that
the development of sensory-motor disturbances may
Spaceflight opportunities, such as that of the ISS, be prevented by means of “artificial” support stimuli
facilitated the development of Earth-based models applied to the bottoms of the feet. The research
of weightlessness and opened the door to studying results led to the development of new technology,
the effects of the elimination of gravity. Over the the “support unloading compensator,” which is a
20 years since the ISS came into existence, the device that stimulates the support zones of the foot
Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP) in natural human gait.
has compiled a large amount of data—information
and facts that have made it possible to switch from The uniqueness of this device lies in its ability to
describing occurrences and phenomena to developing simulate the physical parameters that the support
theories about the role and place of gravitational receptor or the foot receives during walking: the
mechanisms in various bodily systems. magnitude of pressure, temporal characteristics,
duration of impact, intervals between stimulation
One example of an evolution in the development
of new knowledge is the discovery of the leading
triggering role in maintaining vertical posture of sensory
organs called Vater-Paccini corpuscles, which are
located in the soles of the feet. These receptors were
discovered back in the 19th century; however, their Today, this technology is being
role in gravireception was established recently, thanks
to ground-based simulation studies designed to used in the most acute phase
keep cosmonauts’ balance healthy in long-duration of stroke and facilitates more
spaceflights. As a result of these studies, a unique
piece of technology was developed to help to correct significant regression of motor
the motor disturbances in individuals with central disturbances and earlier recovery
nervous system dysfunction, injuries, balance
problems and motor decline due to aging. of locomotion than traditional
Ground-based studies at IBMP identified a particular treatment methods.
pattern of stabilization between body loading on the
soles of the feet and subsequent motor stabilization