Page 183 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 183
Scientific experiments using the Sonocard device were placed under the pillow or mattress to record a person’s
conducted on the ISS on all Russian cosmonauts from body movements related to heart and breathing rate.
2007 to 2012. A large amount of information on sleep The signals recorded during the night are downloaded
in weightlessness has been gathered over the course to a computer and analyzed according to the methods
of 5 years. For the first time, it is possible to discuss already proven in space research.
results that are not impacted by factors of workload The new software system called Cardioson was tested
and psycho-emotional stress, which are always present in a series of experiments on Earth, including a long-
during the day while carrying out science experiments term, 520-day experiment simulating a flight to Mars
under the normal flight program. A flight index sleep and isolation, and the “Sirius-17” mission. The unique
quality showed that the quality of sleep on average for research experience of the cosmonauts’ functional
the entire flight for all 22 participants in the experiment state during sleep can be further developed in two
was 77.4%. directions: creation of new, more-effective systems of
The Sonocard contactless method of sleep study that evaluating sleep in space for the simultaneous medical
was created for use on the space station has been control of all crew members; and development of similar
successfully used on Earth. The Earth model used a devices for controlling the quality of sleep in
sensor that was designed in the form of a plate to be the interests of public health care practice.
Cardioson system—Earth analog of the
Crew member sets up the Sonocard device
before sleep in spaceflight. Sonocard space device.
Image credit: Institute of Biomedical Problems
Image credit: ROSCOSMOS
of the Russian Academy of Sciences