Page 85 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 85

receive experiment data. The ICE Cubes service was   type of investigation difficult at home, the space station’s
               enabled by a commercial partnership between Space   microgravity environment makes it the perfect place for
               Applications Services, Belgium, and the European   fractional gravity experimentation. MVP greatly expands
               Space Agency (ESA), and is part of the agency’s   that testing capability for the space station.
               Space Exploration Strategy to ensure access to the   MVP vastly expands commercial and research
               microgravity research possibilities in LEO.     opportunities in LEO. Several investigations are
               ICE Cubes are small, modular containers that slot into    already lined up for the platform, and customers
               a rack drawer about the size of a microwave oven on   include government, academic and commercially
               the Columbus laboratory, and connect to electrical   based teams. “This is a permanent, commercially
               power and monitoring systems. The ICE Cubes service   owned research facility that gives researchers
               allows experiments to run for more than 4 months in   the opportunity to study the effects of gravity and
               space, and include astronaut time and expert advice   partial gravity on living organisms, and, hopefully, by
               as part of the package. If required, experiments and   extrapolation to humans,” said Rich Boling of Techshot,
               samples can be returned to Earth for analysis.  the company responsible for MVP’s design and build.
               The first experiments were installed by ESA astronaut   What makes the facility so special is its size and
               Alexander Gerst in July 2018 and include projects   capability. Containing two carousels that spin quickly
               supplied by the International Space University.    to simulate up to two times the force of gravity, the
               The first experiment is researching methane-producing   platform is the largest centrifuge in the U.S. segment
               microorganisms and how they behave in space.    of the space station and allows investigators more room
               These examples highlight the versatility of a simpler,   for, and control over, their research. With room for six
               faster and more affordable access to research on   experiment modules on each carousel, Techshot can
               the ISS, ensuring any company, entity or educational   fly up to 12 separate modules on MVP at a time.
               institution can be a part of microgravity research in   Each module is equipped with temperature sensors,
               space for years to come.                        and the box that houses the carousels and modules
                                                               can be set to the exact environmental specifications
                                                               requested for any investigation.
               The Commercial Multi-use                        When asked what kinds of investigations the platform
               Variable-g Platform                             could host, Boling said, “It’s really whatever investigators
               Delivered to the ISS aboard SpaceX CRS-14, the   could dream up that they want to put inside of these
               Techshot-developed Multi-use Variable-g Platform   experiment modules. Each one empty is about 800ccs
               (MVP) is a new commercial test bed for centrifuge-  of volume. So whatever a research team wants for that
               based science aboard the space station. Because   volume, we can make it happen, get it up there, and get
               gravity determines so much of a live organism’s   it back. For example, we have a tissue chip investigation
               behavior and growth, centrifuge-based experiments
               have long been a part of biological investigations in
               space. Although the pull of Earth’s gravity makes this

                Delivered to the ISS aboard
                SpaceX CRS-14, the
                Techshot-developed Multi-use
                Variable-g Platform (MVP) is
                a new commercial test bed
                for centrifuge-based science                      Techshot’s MVP allows researchers to control
                                                                  and vary the level of gravity for their experiments
                aboard the space station.                         using centrifuge technology.
                                                                  Image credit: Techshot

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