Page 87 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 87

ACE includes these six investigations:          liquid pharmaceuticals. Longer shelf life means
               •  Advanced Colloids Experiment-Microscopy-1    some perishable items can be stored long-term
                 (ACE-M-1), on behavior of microscopic particles in   for disaster preparedness.
                 liquids, gels and creams, including keeping stabilizers   In addition, future space exploration may employ
                 from clumping and sinking—a process known     self-assembly and self-replication to make materials
                 as coarsening.                                and devices that can repair themselves. Ultimately,
               •  ACE-M-2, continued work in phase separation of   structures based on colloids may produce new devices
                 liquids and gases in microgravity that could benefit   for chemical energy, communication and photonics.
                 a wide range of fluid storage, and transport and   P&G has already seen direct results from its research
                 processing systems for future spacecraft, as well   in microgravity, with three patents published that,
                 as provide household product formulations with   within a few years, could result in new or improved
                 maximum stability and shelf life.             commercial products.
               •  ACE-M-3, on design and self-assembly of complex
                 3-D structures from small particles suspended within   Combating Muscular Atrophy with
                 a fluid medium.
                                                               Implantable Devices
               •  Advanced Colloids Experiment-Temperature
                 control-1 (ACE-T-1), on fundamental behaviors    Extended spaceflight takes a toll on many systems
                 of colloids, including self-assembly.         within the human body, including the musculoskeletal
                                                               system. An investigation aboard the ISS will examine
               •  ACE-T-6, microscopic behavior of colloids in gels    a drug compound and a drug delivery system aimed
                 and creams, including those with varied particle size.   at preventing, slowing or even reversing muscular
               •  ACE-T-7, continued investigation of design and    breakdown, both in space and on Earth.
                 self-assembly of complex 3-D colloid structures.   Rodent Research-6 (RR-6), a twofold investigation,
               This basic scientific knowledge about how varied   will study the effectiveness of both the drug compound
               mixtures and particles behave allows manufacturers   and the nano-channel drug delivery implant for their
               to predict characteristics such as shelf life for a wide   use in the treatment of muscle loss in future spaceflight,
               variety of commercial products. However, the research   and in the treatment of patients with muscle-wasting
                                             B4H 3rd Edition
               has many other potential benefits. More-concentrated   diseases or conditions on Earth.
               products use less packaging, resist collapse and   The drug compound will be administered through
               remain consistent, which reduces production and   a device implanted beneath the skin, allowing for
               transportation costs. Better formulas can improve    a constant, steady delivery of the drug.

                                                               “The unique aspect of the mission is the nano-channel
                                                               delivery system is implanted under the skin and
                                                               provides constant drug delivery in the body, which
                                                               prevents the need for injections or taking pills,” said
               Particles ACE a Test                            Yasaman Shirazi, the project’s mission scientist at
               in Stability                                    NASA Ames Research Center, “and if you want to

               The Advanced Colloids
               ExperimentACE (ACE)  suite of
               investigations studied the microscopic behavior             Economic
               of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) particles     An investigation aboard the ISS
               and their ability to remain physically and      will examine a drug compound
               chemically stable for longer periods of time on            ECONOMIC
               Eearth and in the microgravity environment.     and a drug delivery system aimed
               These findings show that PMMA particles open    at preventing, slowing or even
               doors for accomplishing never- before-          reversing muscular breakdown,
               performed experiments.
                                                               both in space and on Earth.


                                              Human           Earth Observation         Innovative            Global             Economic
                                              Health            and Disaster           Technology            Education         Development
                                                                  Response                                                       of Space
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