Page 8 - Kitab Identiti (PPZ Corporate Identity Guideline)
P. 8
Pengenalan Introduction 1 2.4 Penggunaan Keutamaan Logo 53
Dari meja CEO From the Desk of the CEO 4 Logo Priority Use
1.0 JENAMA PPZ 7 2.5 Peraturan Organisasi Association Rules 54
1.1 Penceritaan Jenama Brand Story 9 2.6 Elemen Grafik (Corak) Graphic Elements 55
Inovasi Gerak Kerja Zakat Zakat Workflow Innovation 10 Spesifikasi Peranti Device Specification 56
Visi, Misi, Moto Vision, Mission, Motto 11 Variasi Peranti Device Variation 57
1.2 Peta Panduan Roadmap 13
1.3 Nilai Teras Core Values 15 2.7 Elemen Latar Graphic Element 58
1.4 Personaliti Jenama Brand Personality 31 Spesifikasi Latar Patter Specification 59
1.5 Struktur Jenama Brand Structure 32 Aplikasi Latar Pattern Application 60
2.0 SISTEM KOMUNIKASI VISUAL 33 2.8 Penetapan Lokasi Logo Logo location placement 61
2.1 Logo Rasmi PPZ PPZ Official Logo 35 2.9 Penetapan Logo-logo Produk 62
2.2 Rasional Logo Logo Rational 36 atau Rakan Kongsi Placement of Product or Partner Logo
Jalur Dwiwarna Beriringan 3 Lines 37
Tulisan Font 40 2.10 Jenis Tulisan Utama Typeface 63
Typeface Utama Primary Typeface 63
2.3 Logo PPZ PPZ’S Logo 41 Typeface Sekunder Secondary Typeface 64
Fleksibiliti Logo Logo Flexibility 41 Guna Typeface dengan Berkesan Using Type Effectively 65
Peletakan Logo Logo Placement 43
Ruang Kosong Clear Space 44 2.11 Pallete Warna Colour Pallete 66
Ukuran Minimum Minimum Size 45 Warna Utama Primary Colour 66
Logo Keadaan Khas Special Condition Logo 46 Warna Sekunder Secondary Colour 67
Spesifikasi Warna Logo Logo Colour Specifications 47 Nisbah Warna Colour Ration 68
Latar Belakang Warna Korporat 48
Corporate Colour Background 2.12 Gambar Imagery 69
Latar Belakang Berwarna Cerah 49 Arah Kreatif Fotografi Photographic Creative Version 69
Light Coloured Background Penggunaan Gambar Yang Salah Incorrect Imagery 70
Latar Belakang Berwarna Gelap 50
Solid Coloured Background 2.13 Illustrasi Maskot 3D 3D Mascot Illustration 71
Pengguna yang salah Incorrect Use 51 Spesifikasi Fizikal Physical Specification 71
Postur dan Gaya Maskot Mascot Style & Posture 73
Ikon PPZ PPZ Icon 77
Penggunaan Ikon PPZ PPZ Icon Usage 79
Ikon Sosial Media PPZ PPZ Social Media Icon 80