Page 10 - Password administration review-Guilford ES
P. 10
Emergency Services: Password Administration Review
rehired as part-time employees. We
subsequently obtained a report of all
ES employees and noted the
employees were identified by HR as
part-time. Therefore, no exceptions
were noted.
• 1 or 4% of the terminated users was
found in the current listing of active
users in Active Directory. Per inquiry
with ES Technical Support
Administrators, the user was in the 30-
day grace period of maintaining
access before being rehired. Thus, per
policy the user maintains access
within the system before being
processed by HR.
Test We examined all 428 accounts were examined for Of the 428 accounts examined,
#4 accounts in the compliance of password resets • 45 or ~10% were disabled in the within 180 days and identified system. Note these accounts were
domain and accounts that are not in compliance. excluded for test purposes as the users
identified any of these accounts have no access to
accounts that are Passwords Reset the system.
not in compliance • 382 or ~89% were enabled and were
with the in compliance indicating the
maximum user/account has reset their password
password age of within 180 days.
180 days. • 1 or ~1% was found to never have a
password set. The account was
confirmed to be a decoy account. Per
inquiry with ES Technical Services
Administrators, the account is a fake
administrator account with no logon
privileges. It is monitored for lockouts.
Test We reviewed all Reviewed the administrative access • Of the 7 domain administrators, 4
#5 administrative accounts and noted a total of 7 were service accounts and 3 were user
accounts domain administrators and 1 accounts. The user accounts belong to
including the enterprise administrator. Note these the ES Technical Services
enterprise and are built-in groups in Active Administrators. We noted this as
domain Directory that have been granted appropriate.
administrators to various levels of rights in the • The 1 enterprise administrator is a
ensure the domain and/or from full service account for administering the
administrators administrative rights. Every