Page 8 - NC Hurricane Recovery Report
P. 8

Comprehensive Literature

         A thorough review of the existing literature provides the foundational material to understand
         the issue and to uncover insights into innovative ways to address the associated problems.
         There is a wealth of information regarding disaster recovery which was reviewed to inform the
         development of this report.

                  Disaster Recovery Cycle [2]

          Mitigation                                                           Preparedness

         • Public Education                                                    •  Emergency Response
         • Hazard andVulnerability                                                 Plans
         • Assessment                                                          •  Training & Exercises
         • ImprovedInfrastructure

         Recovery                                                                  Response

         • Economic Recovery                                                    • Life Safety
         • DebrisManagement                                                     • IncidentStabilization
         • Housing                                                              • PropertyPreservation
                                                                                • Evacuation & Shelters

         There is an old saying, "all politics are local." This quote can be altered to say, "all disasters are
         local" (Pittman 2011) [4]. They happen in cities and towns of all sizes and citizens look to local,
         state, and national government for an immediate response (Becker 2009) [5]. In fact, there is
         great political peril for public officials who are ill-equipped or unprepared to respond to the
         effects of a disaster (Demiroz and Kapucu 2012) [6]. While the effects of a disaster are local, the
         expectation is that help from the State and Federal Government will support local recovery
         efforts, primarily through funding and guidance (see also StaffordAct).

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