Page 29 - Yellow Belt Six Sigma
P. 29

Total Quality Management-TQM

                            • Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that seeks to optimize

                                the quality of products and services by involving all employees in continuous
                                improvement efforts, and by continuously improving the processes that create
                                products and services. TQM is a customer-focused, data-driven approach to quality

                                management that emphasizes the involvement of all employees in quality
                                improvement activities.

                            • One example of TQM in action is the Japanese automaker Toyota. Toyota has a long-
                                standing commitment to TQM and is known for its "Toyota Production System" (TPS),

                                which is based on the principles of TQM. TPS is a comprehensive system of
                                management that includes techniques such as just-in-time inventory, continuous
                                improvement, and waste reduction.

                            • At Toyota, all employees are involved in quality improvement efforts, from the

                                manufacturing floor to the executive suite.
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