Page 21 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 21
Table 1: Deficit Elimination
Deficit Reduction Source Specific $$ Earmark details/ Effective Date of Posting Impact on deficit/Sub-total
Renaissance A special allocation was made specifically for the $(7,689,141)*
1. State $3,000,000 SUNO deficit.
Appropriations $(4,689,141)
Effective: 02/29/2020
SUS receives $1M annually for Cannabis research. A
Deficit Elimination 2. Southern $ 500,000 special allocation made specifically for the SUNO $(4,189,141)
University System
CFI of 4.0 – Cannabis deficit of $500,000
Effective: 02/29/20
Extension of time with FEMA resulted in allowable
Positive working capital 3. FEMA retroactive reimbursements which were used
from -$4m to +$5.3m Reimbursement $1,662,226 specifically for deficit reduction $(2,526,915)
Effective: February and March 2020
Current ratio from .64 to Debt-free student housing yields approximately
1.89 $2.5 annually. The FY 2018-19 funds have been
4. Housing Revenue $0 earmarked specifically for the SUNO deficit. $(2,526,915)
Effective: 02/29/20 Note: CY revenue reduce PY
Administration sought and gained approval from
the SUS Board of Supervisors for use of prior year
5. Institutional Prior- $1,391,379 funds from various agency funds. These funds were $(1,138,536)
Year Funds
specifically earmarked for the deficit.
Effective: 02/29/29
Plant funds were over-extended due to FEMA costs.
This resulted in a reduction in the facilities
6. Facilities $1,138,530 maintenance balance. This balance was earmarked $0
Maintenance specifically for the plant fund deficit.
Effective: 02/29/20 Note: CY revenue reduced ½
PY deficit
Southern University
at New Orleans