Page 22 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 22
Table 2: Specific Dollar Reductions
SUNO Financial Strategy Specific Dollar Reductions Rationale/Explanation
Renaissance With expenses for athletics averaging $1M
Suspension of Athletics Programs $750,000 over the last several years and revenue
averaging $225K, the model was not
Cost Containment A furlough was effective 8/2019 which
Suspension of Athletics impacted senior administrators and staff.
Furloughs Furloughs $134,363 This enabled the University to bring the
current year budget and balance.
(positions) Administrative and support staff positions
Early Retirements were either unfilled or eliminated. A few
Faculty Overload (No Pay) positions were re-allocated to other funding
sources and re-instated if a critical need of
Budgetary Controls Freezing/Elimination of positions $892,161 the University (i.e. Social Work). This
SUNO Foundation enabled the University to bring the current
(Scholarships) year budget and balance.
Reallocation of
transactions to the Six employees took advantage of early
appropriate fund(s) retirement opportunities. This enabled the
Leveraging the financial Early Retirements $199,346 University to bring the current year budget
system (Banner) to and balance and also provides a pool of
control spending revenue for future investments.
All full-time faculty agreed to teach one
Faculty Mandatory overload overload class at no cost. This enabled the
$222,589 University to bring the current year budget
and balance.
Southern University
at New Orleans