Page 34 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 34

National Performance Indicator 2.3 – Community Engagement

               NPI 2.3: The number of community members working with Community Action to improve
               conditions in the community.

               Overview: NPI 2.3 collects data on outcomes achieved by Community Action initiatives which
               build community engagement:

                     Volunteer hours donated directly to the CAA for any program or activity
                     Individuals and businesses mobilized by the CAA

               Applicable Activities: NPI 2.3 collects data on the number of community members mobilized
               by Community Action, and the number of hours donated by volunteers to the CAA:

                     Mobilizing local business to provide needed services free of charge, or at a discounted
                       rate, to low-income residents
                     Recruit and involve volunteers in Community Action initiatives

               Examples of volunteer activities:

                  o  Serving on the CAA governing board

                  o  Serving on other community advisory and governing boards or committees as a
                      representative of the CAA

                  o  Assisting with program activities and logistics

                  o  Participating in advocacy to meet agency and community goals

                  o  Participating in advocacy to influence the policies and practices of government and/or
                      private entities so that they are responsive to the needs of low-income people

               How to Report for NPI 2.3

                                   National Performance Indicator 2.3   I.) Total Contribution by
                                       Community Engagement

                                   The number of community members

                                   working with Community Action to
                                  improve conditions in the community.         (#)


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