Page 7 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 7
Matters of Emphasis
State and local CAAs should keep in mind:
The NPIs are about Community Action, not just those activities funded through CSBG.
Outcomes should be counted and reported from all Community Action programs and
activities. For private CAAs, figures reported in the NPIs and Sections E-G should cover
the entire agency, clients, and outcomes. By virtue of its receipt of CSBG funding and
consequently, the governance of the entire agency by the Tripartite board, all CAA
activities fall under the CSBG umbrella. For local units of government who received
CSBG funding, all sections, clients and programs covered under the Tripartite board
structure should be reported in the NPIs and Sections E-G.
Agencies should report outcomes only for those NPI categories in which the CAAs have
supporting programs or activities. It is not expected that all CAAs will produce outcomes
for all of the indicators.
Agencies should continue to report annually on their full range of outcomes in addition to
reporting on the NPIs, and may use supplementary blank lines to communicate additional
Agencies may use the Comments section under each Goal to describe outcomes for
additional indicators, detail outcomes for established indicators, and provide additional
narratives or stories related to outcomes for that particular Goal. If agencies choose to
include additional indicators in this section, it is important these indicators report the
number of persons or families that achieve the desired outcome.
These comment sections are also a space to provide explanations for variances in
numbers between years and on targeting percentages achieved annually. Outside of NPI
6.5, an individual or family is to be reported in a particular NPI only once each program
year, regardless of how many times they received the assistance and regardless of how
many funding sources.
Guidance for Agencies Reporting in Goal 1 and Goal 6
The NPIs require the CAA to think about the context in which the agency is providing services
in order to determine where various outcomes should be reported. Goal 1 and Goal 6 both focus
on the achievement of family stability, but for different populations. Goal 1 reflects individual
and family outcomes based on movement toward self-sufficiency by obtaining or increasing
earned income, while Goal 6 refers to outcomes achieved by vulnerable populations that are
moving toward stability.
Some family outcomes may be reported under both Goals 1 and 6 to ensure that the NPIs fully
reflect all achievements during the reporting period. Other outcomes are mutually exclusive and
cannot be reported twice. The following restriction applies:
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