Page 12 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 12

How to Report for NPI 1.1

                                                  I.) Number of   II.) Number of   III.) Number of   IV.) Percentage
                National Performance Indicator 1.1
                                                   Participants   Participants   Participants    Achieving
                                                    Enrolled in   Expected to     Achieving     Outcome in
                                                   Program(s)       Achieve      Outcome in      Reporting
                The number and percentage of low-                 Outcome in      Reporting        Period
                income participants who got a job or               Reporting        Period      [ III/ II = IV ]
                become self-employed, as a result of                Period         (Actual)
                Community Action Assistance, as                     (Target)
                measured by one or more of the
                following:                             (#)            (#)            (#)            (%)

                  I.   The total unduplicated number of participants who were seeking employment or
                       seeking to improve an employment situation, and who were enrolled in programs that
                       were part of the agency’s efforts to achieve these goals.

                 II.   The number of participants who were expected to achieve the outcome identified in the
                       subcategories. In many cases, this target number can be found in the grants or contracts
                       of the particular funding source that supports the efforts, or is identified through the
                       CAA’s ROMA (Results Oriented Management and Accountability) targeting process.

                III.   Number of participants in I (above) who actually achieved the outcome identified in
                       the subcategories within the reporting period. This number must be based on verification
                       that an outcome has actually been achieved, and must be supported by appropriate

                IV.    The proportion of program participants who actually achieved an outcome (III) divided
                       by the total number of participants expected to achieve the outcome (II). The IS Survey
                       database will automatically calculate this success rate of targeting (III/II=IV).

               NPI 1.1 Examples

               A. Unemployed and Obtained a Job

               Examples of situations that may generate outcomes to be reported in this indicator:

                   o  Unemployed participants engaged in CAA programs that specifically focus on
                       employment training or placement (such as those funded by CSBG, TANF, WIA or other
                       sources) who obtain a job

                   o  Unemployed participants engaged in case-management, which focuses on self-
                       sufficiency, achieve employment as part of their overall progress toward self-sufficiency

                   o  Unemployed parents of Head Start or other child development program who obtain initial
                       employment in the context of parent and family development services


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