Page 14 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 14

  Job referral or employment placement assistance

                            Employment counseling

                   o  Participants who achieve higher income as a result of new or improved self-employment
                       opportunities facilitated by Community Action through:

                            Micro-business

                            Daycare providers achieve licensure

               Report the total number of participants experiencing improved employment income as a result of
               both direct service (funded by a variety of sources, including CSBG, Head Start, WIA, TANF,
               Welfare to Work, State/local/private programs), and as a result of partnerships with other
               agencies or organizations in the community.

               D. Achieved “Living Wage” Employment and/or Benefits

               There is no definitive national “living wage.” As a result, in order to report in this NPI, each
               State and/or local agency must define what constitutes a “living wage” and appropriate benefits
               in their service area. Count and report the number of low-income program participants who are
               helped to reach or exceed local living wage thresholds.

               Wider Opportunities for Women has developed economic security calculations. These
               calculations, the Basic Economic Security Tables™ (BEST) Index and the Elder Economic
               Security Standard™ Index (Elder Index), measure the incomes workers and retired elders need to
               achieve economic security. The BEST and Elder Index present local expenses, savings
               requirements and economic security incomes by family type, and at the city, county and state
               levels. Community Action officials interested in learning more about this initiative may visit:

               The Best and Elder Index tools established by WOW are just a few of the ways to measure or
               define a “living wage.” Individual CAAs and States are encouraged to review the various
               nationally recognized strategies and best practices.


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