Page 17 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 17
NPI 1.2 Examples
A. Obtained skills/competencies required for employment
o WIA-funded CAA program in which participants complete course work and receive
certification for a specific type of job, such as computer systems design, emergency
medical assistance, public safety, child care, cosmetology or physical fitness.
o A CAA partnership with a local trade organization in which participants complete formal
work apprenticeships and receive certification or licensure in that trade.
B. Completed ABE/GED and received certificate or diploma
o Through CAA partnerships with the local schools, participants in a case-managed self-
sufficiency program supported by several Federal, State, and local programs earn a GED
as part of their preparation for entering initial employment.
o CAA participants complete adult basic education courses in English language proficiency
financed by CSBG or by Refugee Resettlement Program funds to improve their
employment opportunities and income.
C. Completed postsecondary education program and obtained certificate or diploma
o Parents of children in a Head Start program earn postsecondary degrees as a result of
Community Action support and thereby meet both ROMA targets and Head Start
economic empowerment goals.
o Participants in CAA coordinated self-sufficiency programs earn postsecondary education
degrees as a result of financial planning, student loan and Federal grant assistance from
the agency and TANF-supported child care or transportation subsidies.
D. Enrolled children in before or after school programs
o School-aged children of TANF-funded programs participate in early morning or late
afternoon educational enrichment, developmental, or recreational activities of the local
school district as a result of formal partnerships between the CAA and the school system.
o Using a combination of WIA, TANF, CSBG and State economic development funds,
children of employment program participants are placed in late night or early morning
child care programs to accommodate off-hours shift work or training.
E. Obtained care for child or other dependent
o Working participants in employment programs enroll eligible children in Head Start
and/or child care.
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