Page 21 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 21
National Performance Indicator 1.3 – Economic Asset Enhancement and
NPI 1.3: The number and percentage of low-income households that achieve an increase in
financial assets and/or financial skills as a result of Community Action assistance, and the
aggregated amount of those assets and resources for all participants achieving the outcome.
Overview: NPI 1.3 collects data on unduplicated participants who achieve outcomes as a result
of Community Action, by either:
Increasing their assets (Asset Enhancement), and/or
Increasing their ability to manage and utilize resources (Asset Utilization).
Applicable Activities: NPI 1.3 collects outcome data on participants who achieved outcomes as
a result of either:
Stand-alone asset enhancement or management initiatives, or
Asset enhancement or management services as part of broader case management.
Some examples of services include:
o Agency instructional or counseling activities that result in greater access by low-income
participants to Federal, State, or local tax benefits or credits for which they are eligible
o Agency assistance to participants that results in their receiving court-ordered child
o Agency assistance to participants and their families that results in their receiving
telephone and energy discounts, including but not limited to discounted or free
telephones, telephone Lifeline, Link Up, and Toll Limitation services, and discounted
electric or gas utility services
o Agency programs that help participants and their families manage household income and
resources, including instruction in household budgeting, consumer education, and the use
of financial services within the community
o Agency programs that result in participant accumulation of economic resources over time
and that enable him/her to invest in major life-improving activities, such as the creation
of a small business, the pursuit of higher education or home ownership
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