Page 24 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 24

G. Number and percent of participants capitalizing a small business with accumulated
               IDA or other savings

                   o  A CAA participant enrolled in an IDA program used $1,500 of his/her savings to
                       cover inventory expenses of a small business. (Report $1,500 in savings.)

                       Cross-Reference NPI: The number of participants starting small businesses with savings
                       here should also be reported in NPI 3.2B.

               H. Number and percent of participants pursuing postsecondary education with
               accumulated IDA or other savings

                   o  A CAA participant enrolled in a family savings account program used $600 of
                       his/her savings to pay enrollment fees and purchase books required for attendance in
                       a nationally accredited, postsecondary, vocational school. (Report $600 in savings.)

                       Cross-Reference NPI: The number of participants completing postsecondary education
                       and earning a certificate or diploma should also be reported in NPI 1.2C.

               I. Number and percent of participants purchasing a home with accumulated IDA or other

                    o  A CAA participant with an IDA is a first-time homebuyer and used $2,000 of their
                        savings from that account to help pay the qualified costs on a principal residence.
                        (Report $2,000 in savings)

                       Cross-Reference NPI: The number of participants who purchased a home should also be
                       reported in NPI 1.2H or NPI 6.4E, dependent upon whether the participant is able to work.
                       They should also be reported in NPI 3.2C.

               J. Number and percent of participants purchasing other assets with accumulated IDA or
               other savings
                   o  A rural CAA participant saved $1,600 in his/her savings account and used $1,100 from
                       that account to purchase a car enabling him/her to become more self-sufficient. (Report
                       $1,100 in savings.)


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