Page 26 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 26

o  Agency participation in a community economic development partnership results in the
                       relocation of a business to the area

               How to Report for NPI 2.1

                            National Performance    I.) Number of Projects or     II.) Number of
                                Indicator 2.1             Initiatives          Opportunities and/or
                                                                              Community Resources
                          Community Improvement                               Preserved or Increased
                             and Revitalization
                                                             (#)                      (#)

               For each of the subcategories of this community improvement and revitalization indicator the
               following data are required:

                  I.   Data on the number of projects and/or initiatives that were developed with significant
                       investments by the CAA to assure opportunities and community resources for low-
                       income individuals. (See below for clarification on “significance” of investment.)

                 II.   Data on the number of opportunities (as described above) and/or community resources
                       which were preserved or increased.

               Columns I and II have a one-to-many relationship, i.e. each single project is recorded in column
               I, and the many opportunities or resources are recorded in column II.

               NOTE: The criterion for determining whether a project should to be included under these
               indicators is whether the facilities, services, policy changes, infrastructure, housing, jobs, etc.
               were developed with significant investments by the CAA. “Significant” means the agency has
               invested personnel, funding, or facilities at a substantial and sustained level relative to the project
               size. In other words, any other partners in the initiative should have no hesitation in identifying
               the CAA involvement as a major factor in the success.

               NPI 2.1 Examples

               A. Jobs created, or saved from reduction or elimination in the community

               The purpose of this measure is to capture the initiatives that increase or safeguard the number of
               jobs available in a community. What is being measured and reported in this subcategory is the
               creation or retention of jobs in the community over a one-year period that may or may not pay
               sufficient wages and/or benefits. Include all projects and opportunities preserved or increased in
               NPI 2.1B, below, in this indicator. Please include actual numbers of jobs for which a participant
               is employed, not Full Time Equivalent (FTE) counts. NPI 2.1A will identify all projects and
               opportunities relating to all jobs created or saved, whereas NPI 2.1B will serve to identify only
               those projects and opportunities relating to “living wage” jobs.


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