Page 15 - ROMA Supplemental Materials
P. 15

National Performance Indicator 1.2 – Employment Supports

               NPI 1.2: The number of low-income participants for whom barriers to initial or continuous
               employment are reduced or eliminated through assistance from Community Action.

               Overview: NPI 1.2 collects data on unduplicated low-income participants who achieve outcomes
               in employment-support areas who are either:

                     Unemployed and seeking earned income,
                     Employed and seeking to reduce barriers to maintain earned income, or
                     Are employed and seeking increased earned income and/or employment benefits.

               Applicable Activities: All initiatives that help participants look for a job, or keep a job, which
               can be a result of:

                      Free-standing services, or
                     Services provided as part of case management, with a goal of self-sufficiency.

               List of Employment Support Services in NPI 1.2:

                   A. Obtaining skills/competencies required for employment
                   B. Completing ABE/GED and receiving a certificate or diploma
                   C. Completing a postsecondary education program and receiving a certificate or diploma
                   D. Enrolling children in before or after school programs
                   E. Obtaining care for child or other dependent
                   F. Obtaining access to reliable transportation and/or driver’s license
                   G. Obtaining health care services for self and/or family member
                   H. Obtaining and/or maintaining safe and affordable housing
                   I. Obtaining food assistance
                   J. Obtaining non-emergency LIHEAP assistance
                   K. Obtaining non-emergency WAP assistance
                   L. Obtaining other non-emergency energy assistance

               These supporting services often make the difference between success and failure in a low-
               income family’s efforts to complete job training or education in preparation for employment, or
               to retain a job once it is acquired.

               Outcomes of activities may be counted and reported for this indicator if they are viewed by the
               agency and program participants as:

                   o Helping families prepare for or retain employment. These include such outcomes as:

                             Finding safe and affordable housing for a family at risk of becoming homeless or
                              in a housing crisis, which enables the adult(s) to participate in employment or
                              employment preparation activities


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