Page 51 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 51

June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5
                                  SPOTLIGHT ON CLUBS:
                                                    Sharing our Stories
                                  Inspiring Minds Through Service

                                     We Serve Where Needed and When Needed

                         LAURELTON LIONS SPONSOR


    Stepping  in  stride  with  marching  music
    provided  by  NYC  Drum  and  Bugle  Corps,
    elected officials, veterans, Laurelton Lions, and
    other  neighbor  clubs,  First  Responders,  Boy
    and  Girl  Scouts,  Fraternity  and  Sorority
    members,  and  representatives  from  various
    community-based organizations paraded along
    Merrick Blvd. A solemn Memorial Service was
    conducted at the Veterans Memorial Triangle (a        The Memorial Day Parade begins on Merrick Blvd
    site  maintained  by  the  Laurelton  Lions  Club).
    (See photos)

    Speeches  explaining  the  significance  of
    Memorial  Day  were  presented  by  the  elected
    officials, and PCC Deborah Harrison addressed
    the  range  of  community  service  provided  by
    the  Lions  Clubs.’  Taps’  was  played  by  the
    bugler,  followed  by  a  moment  of  reflective
    silence, the ceremonial laying of the wreath at   Lions are Loving Individuals who offer  needed service  to humanity
    the  base  of  the  cenotaph,  and  the  ritualistic,
    dignified folding of the American flag.

    Refreshments were served

    Reported by,
    Lion Fritz Casimir, President,
    Laurelton Lions Club

                                                     A Ceremonial Memorial Wreath is placed at the cenotaph
                                 Our District
                                 Governor,                                             Past Council Chair
                                 Antonio Robles                                        Deborah Harrison, a
                                 (center) shares                                       member of Laurelton
                                 commemorative                                         Lions Club,
                                 photo  with Lion                                      addresses the
                                 Josh and other                                        audience about
                                 service providers                                     Lionism in the
                                                                                       Queens communities
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