Page 49 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 49

June 2024 – Summer Edition            Vol: XI  No: 5
                                  SPOTLIGHT ON CLUBS:
                                                    Sharing our Stories
                                  Inspiring Minds Through Service

                                     We Serve Where Needed and When Needed

                         “CHARLY’S PLACE” IS READY!

       “CHARLY’S PLACE” is one of several cabins at Camp Badger. It is dedicated to the memory and legacy
       of our beloved Past District Governor, Charles (Charly) McBride (2017 - 2018, Little Neck / Douglaston
       Lions Club).  At the  close  of  his club,  a  significant  donation was made to Camp Badger,  one  of his
       special causes. A matching LCIF Grant facilitated the restoration of two cabins at Camp Badger.

       Recently, a district-wide appeal was issued asking for volunteers to assist with rehabilitation On May
       28 , Lions Julian Embrack, Dorothy Sylvester, and Mirle Gillard, members of the District Alert Team
       (another of PDG Charly’s Signature Projects,) responded to the request. The buildings were cleaned,
       new windows were installed, minor repairs were completed, and furniture set up (See photos).

       Thanks to the Alert Team’s dedication to serving others, Charly’s Place is ready to receive the
       residents for this Summer Session.

       Reported by,
       Lion Dorothy Sylvester
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