Page 6 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 6



                           OF LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE

            It  was  a  striking  procession  of  cabinet  officers,  Zone  and  Region  Chairpersons,,  GAT
            facilitators  and  both  event  coordinators,  PDGs  Pauline  C.  Francis  and  Jacqueline  V.
            Phillips  with  Campaign  Manager,  Lion  Adina  Callender,  all  dressed  in  sparkling  white
            evening dress.  They were followed by several supporting   Past District Governors, DG
            Jacqueline  Williams,  President},  DGE  Romeo  Hitlall  and  his  partner  in  service,  Vice
            District  Governors  Jennifer  and  Dr.  Denise  with  their  respective  partners  in  service.
            Representatives  from  the  2023-2024  Council  of  Governors  were  also  present.  The
            pageant was even more spectacular when Council Chair Ingrid Andrews-Campbell and
            her  partner  in  service,  Daniel  were  introduced.  What  a  pleasant  surprise  to  have  PID
            Douglas  X, Alexander as a special guest to honor the legacy of DG Antonio Robles!

            An  electrifying  roar  of  cheers  and  applause  exploded  from  the  300+  patrons,
            representing 45+ clubs and well-wishers ,as our special honoree, DG Antonio Robles and
            his wonderful partner in service/daughter, Lion Raenelle were introduced.

            From the entrance, they burst into the room, dancing to the pulsating  rhythm of Spanish
            music and greeting everyone around the perimeter of the room, This set the joyful tone
            and atmosphere for the evening.  The invocation was prayed in Spanish, then translated
            into English.  Following the U.S. National Anthem, we acknowledged DG Antonio’s African
            American  heritage  with  the  singing  of  “Lift  Every  Voice”  and  his  ethnicity,  with  the
            rendition  of  “Himno  Nacional  de  Panama”,  Panama’s  National  Anthem.  Entertainment
            was provided by the delightful and engaging Panamanian Ballet de Folklorico.

            In  commemoration  of  DG  Antonio’s  tenure  of  leadership  and  humanitarian  community
            services he was presented with a Progressive Melvin Jones from Reno Park / Forest Hills
            Lions Club his Home Club and another similar recognition from District 20-K1. State and
            City  elected  officials  also  cooperated  to  acknowledge  his  contributions  by  sending
            various citations and Proclamations.  PIP Douglas Alexander also presented him with a
            Membership Key.

            In  appreciation  for their dedication to the success  of  his  administration, Melvin  Jones
            Fellowships were conferred on members of DG Antonio’s inner Cabinet and PDG Barbara
            Moody  for  her  eminent  guidance.  and  leadership  as  LCIF  Chairperson  for  several
            consecutive  years.   Lion  Jean  Providence  was  awarded  the  prestigious  President’s
            Medal for her service to District 20-K1 as an eminent, well-established chairperson of
            many diverse souvenir journals for several District Governors.

            DG Antonio expresses his gratitude to the Planning Committee!

                                         “Thanks for a job, well done!”
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