Page 2 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
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                          My Fellow Lions and Leos,
                          I believe now is the time to
                          understand who and what we
                          are as Lions and where we
                          should be going as we serve
                          post pandemic. I am happy to
                           be working as part of GMT this                        .
                          year. We must focus on
    strengthening clubs, including with efficient digital tools. It is
    more significant or important than the Clubs we have created  Greetings, Lions and Leos,
    are able to sustain the new norm. Given the diversity and
    number of Clubs with a membership of less than 15, and their  The world of Lionism has been through a life changing season
    real and ultimate independence of functioning effectively,
                                                          that has affected our ability to provide service globally and
    our role as Lion leaders is to accentuate what is common  here in District 20-K1. The devastating Covid 19 Pandemic
    among them all and attempt to provide some guidance on  forced us to use our creativity to find safe ways to serve. I
    how the less successful Clubs can emulate the more    congratulate Lions and Leos who, despite the insecurity
    successful ones.                                      demonstrated their resilience and rapidly acquired the skills to
                                                          master the technology of the “virtual space.” You conducted
    We do recognize that our core business is membership, then
                                                          Lions’ business and enjoyed fellowship on the Zoom platform. I
    the growth and retention of members are the relevant
    gauges of how well we manage our organization to provide  warmly salute you for reaching out and serving safely where
    the much-needed services to our community. Membership  there was a need.
    decline in parts of District 20-K1 has continued, no effective
    or cohesive strategy has been developed by some clubs. Since  I am grateful for the overwhelming positive response of our
    we are an organization made up of professionals, it should  clubs and their members. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT.
    not be a surprise that this would not be tolerated in our own
    business lives. As we have slowly come to realize, the  I promise you, that in my position as Second Vice-District
    problem is not recruitment but retention. Let’s continue to  Governor I will do my very best to team with the First Vice-
    have fun and fellowship while we ‘serve form the heart’ so  District Governor, the Cabinet Officers and PDGs, to ensure
                                                          that all of the District Governor’s goals are accomplished. I am
    that our members will have a reason to stay.
                                                          confident we will have a fruitful Lionistic year. My positiveness
    Yes, this is challenging, but not impossible. A focused support  is based on my campaign conversations with Lions of the
    structure for both leadership and clubs is an absolute  district. I am ready to embark on this journey of service to
    necessity. A rebuilding of relationships with Clubs is the single  which you have called me, and I pledge to fulfill my obligations
    most important appeal that we can do since most have not  as part of a united team that provides “service from the heart”
    been having in-person meetings and we want to focus on  while growing and learning together.
    making our district the strongest it has ever been especially
    since it is the home district of LCI president.       Let’s get it done!
    As we continue to team together in support of our motto
    “We Serve” let us not forget those who may need our   Yours In Lionism.
    support and guidance. Put the emphasis on service rather  2 VDG Antonio Robles
    than attending meetings. People like to give back and make a
    difference in the community. Let us work together to
    strengthen our clubs through membership retention,
    membership development and membership growth. New
    members bring new energy to club, more people to serve on
    committees, work on projects and raise money for the club.
    Empower members to serve from the heart and remember
    that everyone has the power to make a difference.
     Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, PMJF
           First Vice District Governor
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