Page 11 - Enews January - February 2020 edition
P. 11


                                        CENTRAL BROOKLYN LIONS CLUB


             The President, Board of Directors, Officers and Members of the Central Brooklyn Lions Club, at their November 9, 2019 meet-
         ing unanimously voted, approved and are thrilled to endorse Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell as a candidate for the office of Sec-
         ond Vice District Governor to serve the Lions of District 20-K1 during the Lionistic Year 2020-2021 and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell is a member in good standing in the Central Brooklyn Lions Club, District 20-K1
         and has demonstrated quality service, leadership, and dedication to the cause of Lionism; and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell became a member of the Central Brooklyn Lions Club Lions Club in 2006; and has
         serve her Club with distinction and honor for over 13 years and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell has served with honor as President, Vice President, member of the Board of Direc-
         tors, Secretary, Committee Chairperson, and numerous offices of the Central Brooklyn Lions Club Lions Club, and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell has served District 20-K1 as District Reporter, Zone Chairperson, Region Chair-
         person, Assistant Cabinet Secretary, Cabinet Secretary, and a member of several District Committees; and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell is currently serving District 20-K1 as Chairperson of Special Projects and Think
         Tank Committees, and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell has served at MD20 New York State and Bermuda Lions Conventions on the Cre-
         dentials and Nomination Committees, and MD20 Lions SEE District 20-K1 Board Member, as Secretary, and

         WHEREAS Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell is serving as President of the Lions District 20-K1 Foundation Inc.,

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell is a graduate of MD60 Leadership Institute and MD20 Advance Leadership Insti-
         tute, and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell has attended International Conventions, USA-Canada Leadership Forum, many
         MD20 Conventions, several Lions Day at the United Nations, and District 20- K1, Mid-Winter Conventions, and

         WHEREAS, Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell is a recipient of Lions Clubs International Leadership Award, Lions Clubs Inter-
         national Presidential Medal, Melvin Jones Fellow, Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, Robert J. Uplinger Award, the Alexander
         T. Wells Distinguished Service Award, Progressive Alexander T. Wells Distinguished Service Award, District 20-K1 PDG Asso-
         ciation Leadership Award, Lion of the Year award, and

         NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Central Brooklyn Lions Club is a club in good standing of District 20-K1, does
         here-by present and offer the services of Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell for Second Vice District Governor and

         BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Central Brooklyn Lions Club endorses and fully supports Lion Ingrid Andrews-
         Campbell as a Candidate for the office of Second Vice District Governor to serve District 20-K1 for the upcoming year 2020-
         2021; and be it further

         RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to International President Dr. Jung-Yul Choi, PCC Timothy
         Jachlewski, MD20 Multiple District Secretary Treasurer; District 20-K1, District Governor Deborah Harrison; First Vice Dis-
         trict Governor Jacqueline Phillips, Second Vice District Governor Anthony Cochran, Past District Governors, Cabinet Secre-
         tary, Cabinet Treasurer, Region and Zone Chairs, Club Presidents and Secretaries.

         Adopted by the

                 President, Board of Directors, Officers and Members of The Central Brooklyn Lions Club Lions Club
                 Dated the 9th Day of November 2019

         Attested by    Judith Edwards                                                   ____Jerusha Jacobs_________________
                                Lion Judith Edwards                         Lion Jerusha Jacobs
                                Secretary                                                                                     President
                                                                                   Zone Chairperson 2019-2020
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