Page 1 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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Serving Lions of District 20-K1 and MD-20 Volume X No. 1 Launched November 2013
along the way. We struggle to get a quorum This IS the building block for “a better
at a meeting! We struggle to find members tomorrow.”
who are excited about serving! We so find Will you do it?
Lions willing to accept leadership roles! Yes, you can!
My Fellow Lions and Leos, Create valuable community service
Let’s start the year by conducting A
“Healthy Clubs Providing Impactful Services” is Membership Satisfaction Survey,. We will opportunities.
my vision that highlights my commitment to objectively examine the data and use the Develop club members who feel valued.
strengthen our clubs to offer more impactful results to rejuvenate our clubs with exciting Initiate opportunities for personal and
community service. service opportunities, share our success stories professional growth in leaders and
“Let ’s lead today to create a better and discontinue unproductive practices. The members.
tomorrow.” Global Membership Approach (GMA) is a Embolden and inspire new members to
share their ideas and implement same.
We are proud to be more than just a local proven successful steppingstone process to Probe and update the club’s past
community volunteer group. Lions actively help us realize the vision of healthy clubs successful projects and establish new ones.
promote the Lions’ brand. International providing impactful service .
President, Brian Sheehan’s theme is “Together Together we can reignite that fire and The GAT coordinators are here to provide
We Can” and together we can work towards intensify that flame for providing high quality, support. I encourage club visitations, joint
creating a better tomorrow for those who relevant community service. A satisfied club projects and partnership with
need, lead and serve. member never leaves a club where the organizations that share similar goals.. As we
What is the better tomorrow you want to climate is positive and nurturing, move forward into the new norm, some clubs
focus on today? interpersonal conflicts are resolved respectfully are still trying to recover from the remnants
What is the leadership we must offer today and members have a voice in decision-making of the pandemic and some are cautiously
to create a better tomorrow? and managing change. Equally important, is navigating fundraising efforts. Collaborative
A better tomorrow can mean more members, the understanding that every club member efforts can ease stress, promote fellowship
encouraging more Lions to serve with contributes to the operational costs and and invigorate us to share best practices.
innovative, sustainable projects, satisfied resources provided by the organization. Each Finally, I am strongly urging clubs to focus
members, higher visibility in the community club must therefore remain “in good on the global causes related to Diabetes and
or continuous leadership training. Each of us standing.” Environment.
can pledge to create a personal “ better Together we can create a better tomorrow, let
tomorrow” and together we can make a Let us be the change we need to see. us start today.
difference in the lives of those we serve. Change for a better tomorrow starts today.
International President Brian challenges us
New Lions are full of energy and beaming “to think outside the box”. Leaders must see Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, PMJF
with enthusiasm to serve. They are excited to the bigger picture and assess the District Governor
be part of a team of service minded required steps to provide impactful service
individuals. But then something happens from a healthy club.