Page 2 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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           From the office of                                        From the pen of
       1 st  VDG Antonio Robles                                 2 nd  VDG Romeo Hitlall

     Dear Lions and Leos,                                  Dear Fellow Lions and Leos,

     I extend my gratitude to everyone in our District for your support,  Lionism in our great District 20-K1 is all set to resume the high
     encouragement and confidence in my abilities during my tenure as  standards of service that we provided to our various communities,
     2VDG. It was a rewarding experience to serve under the proficient  prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
     leadership of IPDG Anthony B. Cochran. Our district grew as we  In my interaction with Lions who attended one of the two recent
     teamed to provide needed service to vulnerable communities.
                                                           conventions, Niagara and Montreal, those experiences have ignited
     During this Lionistic year, I am honored to serve as 1VDG under  and renewed our commitment to the mission of LCI. I am truly
     the esteemed leadership of District Governor Ingrid Andrews-  excited about what our District can achieve this year and moving
     Campbell. I appreciate your acknowledgement of my potential to  forward. Meeting with and exchanging pleasantries with Lions from
     serve capably as part of the 20-K1 leadership team “THANK YOU!”  other cities and countries is enough to convince us that our
     Under the direction of PDG Jacqueline Williams, Esq., GMA  worldwide family of Lions is real and energized!
     Champion, I have the assignment of helping to guide our clubs to
     become invigorated, rejuvenated and revitalized. We will work with  I encourage you to continue working to make our Clubs strong,
     the Governor and collaborate with the Cabinet Officers, Region,  and to fully support our District Governor and her team as they
     Zone and District Committees, Lions and Leos to “LEAD TODAY for  go about their leadership tasks.
     a BETTER TOMORROW.”                                   Yours in Lionism

     This year we are focused on assisting all clubs to maintain good
     standing, increase membership, develop leadership opportunities,  Lion Romeo Hitlall, PMJF
     upgrade  knowledge about the basics of Lionism and expand  Second Vice District Governor
     community service, especially in the global service causes of  District 20-K1
     Diabetes and Environment.

     I invite all Lions to remain “united in purpose” as we take this
     year’s journey of service.

     “Together We Can…and We Will.”

     Yours in Service,
     Lion Antonio Robles,
     First Vice District Governor
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