Page 12 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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                                USA / CANADA LEO LEADERSHIP FORUM

                                             July 27 - 31, 2022

                                            by Leo Emelie Nguyen

                                            (MD20 LEO President

                                    Flushing Central Leo Club, President)

   I learned about the Leadership Forum through Lion Pablo Romano, ideas, but is too timid to speak. Our solution was to either find a

   MD20 Leo Chairperson and President of USACLLF. As the newly  partner that was comfortable with verbalizing for them, or having the
   installed President, this was an opportunity to acquire and refine my  leaders of the Leo club (eg. the president) speak with the Leo privately
   leadership skills as a rising high school senior.   and inquire more about their ideas. Instead of just listening, we had to
   I flew from New York to Texas, then to Fresno Airport in California.. participate.
   I am grateful to MD20 for funding my airfare. I arrived at the  Respect for diversity of opinions and personality was stressed because it
   beautiful Wyndham Hotel in the evening with my mother. In the  is often overlooked in team-based activities. Many leaders fail to
   banquet room, a Lion seated me at a circular table with other Leos  acknowledge that there does not exist a “one size fits all” solution to
   with uniforms and vests of varying colors. When all the seats were  every interpersonal conflict. The acknowledgement of the dynamic
   filled a cheery girl piped up: “Guys, let’s go around the table and  personality of a team is what I loved most about this leadership forum.
   say our names and where we’re from!” This girl was Mara from  Other skills included building strong partnerships for funding, effective
   California, who would become my friend. I learned that our ages  fundraising and membership engagement.
   ranged from twelve to eighteen and that Leos from Canada, Some seminars were downright entertaining, like Lion Fern’s “Public
   Wisconsin, Brooklyn and even Aruba were seated at our table! After  Speaking” seminar where we were able to tell funny Leo stories while
   our initial icebreakers, my table bonded over the delicious fish and  maintaining a confident demeanor and speaking voice. After these four
   our diverse music tastes. We exchanged numbers to talk in a group  days, we topped off the seminars in traditional Leo spirit with a service
   chat into the night.                                project—cleaning and sorting thousands of eyeglasses.

   The next four days were packed full of seminars—the meat of this  Before I arrived, I was expecting to hear lectures on basic leadership
   Leadership Forum. In these seminars, a Lion or Leo would present on  skills like respect and assertiveness. However, I departed from the
   a certain leadership skill. Sessions included “Public Speaking, Wyndham Hotel with an arsenal of knowledge in communication,
   Delegating Tasks Effectively, Conducting Effective Meetings, and  collaboration, outreach, and even finances. I also left with a huge group
   Conflict Resolution”. Many presentations were interactive. We were  of new friends from Canada to the Caribbean. The Leo Leadership
   tasked with solving one or multiple situations diplomatically. In the  Forum taught me more than I could have ever imagined for my future
   “Conflict Resolution” seminar, two Leos were attempting to gatekeep  as a leader in my Leo club, school and community. Though I still have
   a certain service project from other Leos. Our solution was to create  a lot to learn, the expansive network I have I have built in these five
   another similar service project so that all Leos had equal  days with Leos and Lions ensures that I can reach out to anyone at
   opportunity to participate. At an “Effective Meetings” presentation we  any time for advice, whether it be for social issues or professional
   learned how to hear the opinion of an introvert who has many  development.
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