Page 15 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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“To my daughters, you give me joy and inspiration. I hope that I have made you proud as a father!”
“To Shabiki, my partner-in-service, the only way to live and love is from the heart!” She was pinned with the
International President’s Medal of Honor and presented with a bouquet of lovely flowers.
“Although I am humbled to be the first African-American President of this great association, I am more proud that
this organization embraces all people to serve the diverse peoples in the world. That is why I am still “Lion Doug,
serving with you, from the heart.”
“I salute the Lions of the world for their generous response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine when basic needs
became human needs. I applaud those Lions who created safe houses in Germany. When I saw the
heartbreaking devastation in Kentucky, my heart was grateful to witness groups of Lions helping strangers. You are
the real heroes!”
Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, the heartbeat of service continued.
~ 210,000 new Lions were inducted to respond to unmet needs.
~ 2,500 new clubs were chartered to create a better world.
~ 483 million acts of humanitarian service were accomplished.
~ Campaign 100 surpassed the established fundraising goal of $300 million
“It has been my honor to serve from my heart as your International President and I thank you for this privilege!”
On behalf of the Lions and Leos of MD20, PIP Al Brandel saluted IP Doug for his exemplary service and presented
a gift of $250,000.
The audience responded with a 3” standing ovation and an unprecedented rousing cheer,
This Plenary Session ended with a delightful impromptu dance and song duet by IP Doug and Lion Floyd Smith,
the event’s singer / entertainer. Everyone in the Bell Center instantly joined hands, swaying and singing heartily
at the top of their voices, the electrifying chorus of the song, Sweet Caroline:
“Hands holding hands, reaching out, touching me, touching you…”
PIP Al Brandel, on behalf of MD-
20 presents check to IPIP Doug