Page 19 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 19


                                                 LIONS OF THE WORLD WELCOME
                                              MICHEL CHICHWANINE

                                        CHILD SOLDIER TURNED MOTIVATIONAL KEYNOTE SPEAKER

      He was born un the Democratic Republic of Congo, an African country rich in culture and 80% of the world’s copper and cobalt (used
     in cell phone production).  His father was a human rights activist, lawyer and passionate about the value of education.   He was
     abducted and forced to become a child soldier at age 5, during the brutal Great War of Africa, but was lucky to escape.  After his father
     was assassinated for exposing the truth about the war, his mother persisted every day for three years until the family was granted
     refugee status in Canada.
     Despite his unimaginable past experiences of pain and struggles, today, he is a United Nations Fellow for People of African Descent, a
     member of the Advisory Board for Child Soldiers Initiative, an author and notable public speaker. Mr. Chichwanine reported that over
     250,000 children are victims of the global pandemic of recruitment and initiation into the army of child soldiers. He is passionate about
     the social, political and economic reasons for this mockery of humanitarianism
     He encourages Lions, Leos and all other socially concerned people of the world to overcome fear, be courageous, challenge the status quo
     and become relentless with positive action, for speedy change to this travesty against vulnerable children.
     “When you let your own light shine, you allow others to shine as well” he advised. Helpful advocacy strategies include:
            1. Community Building.
               People can overcome violent situations when given the opportunity to understand their own history and “doors” are opened
               where they can become educated and a purposeful life can emerge as a productive, contributing citizen. Refugees especially,
               should be supported to share their story.
          2.   Resilience and Courage
               “Our legacy is what defines us as a valuable human being” he shared. “It’s what we do to improve the life of another
               person.” His mother exemplified strength of character, boundless hope, bravery and resolve to secure refugee documents for
               the family.
          3.   Inspiration
               As we advocate for the safety and security of child soldiers across the globe, the interconnectedness, motivation and
               effectiveness of political leaders are critical. We must push to elect officials with dignity, integrity, humility, empathy for the
               plight of marginalized citizens and courage to do what is right.

     In conclusion, he congratulated the Lions and Leos who mobilized to assist the displaced refugees from Ukraine and the victims of the
     devastation in Kentucky. He reminded us that young people must always have a voice in the conversation about world peace and cited
     two pre-teens from Halifax who started the worldwide ”Pink Shirt Day” initiative against bullying.. “Gardens of Hope” is another
     venture where a donation of $50 provides tools, seeds and other resources for Uganda refugees to have access to nutritious food.

     In recognition of his powerful example of service, IP Doug presented him with a Peace Poster replica. A thunderous standing ovation
     celebrated the emotional account of this gripping personal story.
     “Great men and great women throughout history have never been praised for their wealth and success, but rather for their heart
     and what they have done for others”  ~ Ramazani Chikwanine
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