Page 2 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
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My Fellow Lions and Leos
                         At the close of another year,
                         we gratefully pause to wish
                         you  a  warm   and  happy
                         Holiday  Season.  May  the
                         festive season bring you hope,
                         joy, peace, and happiness.
                         The holidays bring happiness  To Lions and Leos
  and love into your life.  ALL you need is to open your heart.  The privilege and joy of
  “Service from the heart” is what people need most
  especially during the holiday season. At the close of  being elected 2VDG to serve this “second to none” District
  another year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and  continue to inspire me to move forward,  serving as one
  happy Holiday Season. As we serve from the heart    team with you.  I remain committed to working with our
  remember those that would like to join in but can’t at this  Governor, 1VDG, Cabinet Members, Lions, and Leos; to
  time. Carry their wishes and hope with you throughout  continue the tradition of excellence developed here in
  this season as we continue to brighten the world one
  service activity at a time. Don’t think of what you don’t  District 20-K1.
  have, look at what you have accomplished so far, and you  During this holiday season, I want you to know how much
  will find happiness in the smiles of those we serve. COVID-
  19 has changed the way we serve but it has not impacted  you are appreciated. You are an enhancement to the
  the heart of our service. Just continue to serve within the  District. Keep in mind that your service is important and
  safety guidelines and be cautious as a new strain of the  valued. Thank you for your service to the world and its
  virus continues to impact the way we serve our      communities. May this holiday season bring you warmth
                                                      and much joy!
  Thank you for all the hard work you do to make this
  district strong; may your life be a blessing to others. As we  Durante estas celebraciones de fin de año deseo que
  move around doing our several service projects wear our  recuerden que sus servicios al mundo y a nuestras
  vest and Lions emblem with pride. It may attract the  comunidades locales son valiosas y de suma importancia.
  interest of others who will want to be a part of something  Gracias por sus servicios. Que la temporada de fin de año
  bigger than themselves. Share your success stories on the
  various social media platforms. Promote the Lions brand.  les traiga union familiar y mucha alegría!
  Sharing your time is an important part of giving and only
  in giving do we truly receive.                      Yours truly,
  Every holiday season brings new happiness and hope in  2VDG Antonio Robles
  our life. It is a perfect time to be with your friends and
  family. Tell them about the benefits of being a member of
  the world’s largest service organization and that ‘We
  Serve’ locally and globally. Let them know how being a
  Lion has made a difference in the life of those we serve
  and in your own life. Invite them to be a part of your
  service projects. One of the things that this pandemic has
  taught us is that we need other people to be successful in
  carrying out our projects and other people need us too.
  Happy Holidays. Best wishes for a season of love, peace,
  and joy! May the joys of the season shed light, hope, and
  fill our hearts with peace.
  Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, PMJF
  First Vice District Governor, 2021- - 2022
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