Page 6 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
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…where tree-tops glisten and Lions listen…
Masks. Lockdown. Quarantine. burden of funding projects during a time Use an Elevator Pitch to Promote
Those are a few of the words that of reduced opportunities for fundraising. Your Club
describe our lives during the COVID-19 Sharing our stories on various social An elevator pitch is a short description
pandemic. However, if you look deeper, media platforms can increase the profile of your Lions club.
you’ll also find: Togetherness. of your club and attract new prospects *Be compelling as you share what you
Opportunity. Volunteering. who want to be part of something do for the community and why it matters
Michael Keating noted in a John Hopkins bigger than themselves. Our 100-year to you.
publication, in January 2021- “Right now, history shows significant developments. *Introduce your club to business and
many organizations would welcome you But our next century will come with community leaders, friends and
and your connections. If you don’t have great changes. People like to support neighbors.
the time to get there in physical time, you causes. Think ‘tribe ’not ‘community’. LCI “Just Ask!” Gives 4 useful tips
can join a Zoom meeting and share your Some people want ‘to give back’, Step 1. Preparing your club: Create
experience and expertise”. having received support from the membership goals through a simple
Profiting from the skills, time, and community and service clubs during the Q&A process that helps you define what
enthusiasm of new members can only pandemic. Service minded individuals you want to accomplish as a club and
benefit your club and help to increase feel they are making a valuable your target members.
your ability to service the community. contribution during a time of crisis. Step 2. Creating your club’s growth
Now is the time to capitalize on the So, welcome new recruits and assign plan: Create a growth plan to keep your
current national enthusiasm for hem to a project immediately. club on track to accomplish its
volunteering, as the country struggles to Location, location, location. membership goals.
deal with the social and economic ~ Look for organizations that are in Step 3. Implementing your club’s
aftermath of COVID-19. close proximity to your home or growth plan: Learn step-by-step how to
The need for new members continued workplace where you can see the fruits effectively implement your plan so you
unabated during the pandemic, and many of your efforts. can recruit new members with
clubs have increased exponentially. The ~ Use posters and flyers to advertise confidence and success.
blessing of COVID-19 is that you can sit your projects. Step 4. Welcoming your new
on Zoom and give tremendous value to ~ Ask people to join the project and members: Develop a plan for
organizations that are trying to think leave a generic contact information. welcoming, involving and supporting
through really difficult challenges. We as Volunteering may promote well-being new members to make sure they remain
Lions can offer our support in planning that increases their sense of belonging Lions.
projects or activities to benefit the and self-esteem. Sell the benefits of Prepared and submitted by
communities we serve. Working in Lionism when asked “why should I VDG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell,
partnership with groups or organizations join?”. Recruit members who can bring GMT-Rebuilding Clubs 15 and under
that are service oriented can give us others like themselves “birds of feather GMT Conference
visibility and reduce the financial flock together”. Other team members are:
Lion Beverly Campbell
Lion Patricia Muir