Page 10 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
P. 10


                             alleviating HUNGER

                    AROUND DISTRICT 20-K1

      “Teaming Together,” the two clubs prepared and delivered
      Thanksgiving baskets (mini tubs) to less fortunate families
      in the Brooklyn community. Each basket contained a
      turkey and all ingredients to prepare a healthy          Greens and fixings for stuffing must be part of the meal
      Thanksgiving dinner including fruit and beverage for at
      least, a family of five. Baskets were delivered on
      November 20, 2021. Lion Prince Felix and his partner in
      service Lion Janet provided space to prepare baskets.
      Lions in action, “Teaming Together.“ Also participating in
      this project were non-Lions volunteers.

      Reported by
      Lion Shirley Maddox
      Brooklyn Kings and Queens Reporter

                                                               Healthy vegetables are part of the Thanksgiving meal

         Lions from Bedford Stuyvesant and Stuy Park Lions gather
         food items for Thanksgiving baskets

     Photos by Lion Shirley Maddox
                                                                    We thank the volunteers for joining the Team
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