Page 15 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
P. 15



                               around District 20-K1

                   “…we’ll face unafraid, the plans that we made walking in the winter wonderland!”
     Expansion of Project IDEAS
                                                        • Every District would receive an initial supply of Diabetes
     (Improving Diabetes Education Access and              cookbooks, exercise bands, portion control plates, education
                                                           cards and co-branded educational materials (available in several
     Support) across MD 20                                 languages).

     GOAL: To use a $135,000 LCIF grant to make this successful WHAT ELSE - This is an opportunity to provide a base of
     program available to every District in MD 20.      Diabetes knowledge and resources for your District. Participation in
                                                        this grant will put you in partnership with LCI and LCIF's initiatives
     WHAT - This program has existed for two years in Jefferson  and Diabetes project planners. Further, it gives you access to
     and Lewis counties via an earlier, smaller LCIF grant. It  tremendous resources available from ADCES (check out the
     includes our national partners the Association of Diabetes Care  resources available at
     and Education Specialists (ADCES) and the Joslin Diabetes
     Center at Upstate Medical (Syracuse University). The initial  • The national partnership with ADCES is extended until June
     grant was used to:                                    2023 by the LCI Board of Directors and should be extended
                                                           beyond that. This connects your District with some of the
     • Train 13 Certified Diabetes Paraprofessionals via an 18-  biggest names in DSMES (Diabetes Self-Management
        hour online course                                 Education and Support).
     • Equip them with a laptop dedicated to sharing Diabetes  • You are certainly welcome to invite in other supportive entities
        related education with others                      such as: Local health departments, local care providers, local
                                                           chapters of the American Diabetes Association, Juvenile
     • Initiate (or enhance) Diabetes Support Groups
                                                           Diabetes Research Foundation, etc.
     • Provide monthly education sessions (one for people with
        Diabetes) and (one for the trained CDP's).      Financial commitment of each district participating:
                                                        The grant requires a 25% match from MD-20 – the total of which is
     • Affiliate (through local Lions Clubs, Districts and zones) with
        local Diabetes care providers to provide education on  $33,750. The following table outlines the amount required per
        Diabetes resources, ongoing education, awareness and  district for various scenarios of district participation – all 11 districts
        management information.                         down to 6 districts. Also included is the associated amount due by
                                                        January 2022 in order to submit the grant.
     WHAT NOW - The objective with the larger MD Diabetes
     Grant is to share all this information and structure with all MD
     Districts, and                                     11       10
                                                        districts  districts  9 districts 8 districts 7 districts 6 districts
     • Train 33 more CDP's across MD 20 (ideally 3 per District)  $    $    $      $        $        $
                                                        33,750.00  33,750.00  33,750.00  33,750.00  33,750.00  33,750.00
     • Create and maintain a Project IDEAS website for MD 20
        dedicated to ongoing Diabetes education, public awareness  $      $      $      $      $      $
        and support for People With Diabetes            3,068.18   3,375.00   3,750.00   4,218.75   4,821.43   5,625.00
                                                        25% due by Jan.
     • This website would be available to people with Pre-
        Diabetes, Diabetes and all Lions Club members   $         $         $         $      $       $
                                                        767.04   843.75   937.50   1,054.69   1,205.36   1,406.25
     • It will include Diabetes education information available in
        several languages
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