Page 16 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens E-Newsletter December 2021
P. 16



                               around District 20-K1

                   “…we’ll face unafraid, the plans that we made walking in the winter wonderland!”

  Source  Item                        Item Costs   Quantity  Total Budgeted  !Actual  [Date PO Placed   I Date Received
  LCIF    ADCES Course                $125.00     33      $4,125.00
  LCIF    Laptop                      $1,500.00   20      $30,000.00
  LCIF    26-foot Ethernet Cord       $20.00      20      $400.00
  LCIF    Zoom License                $500.00     1       $500.00
  LCIF    LCIF Grocery Bag Tote       $3.95       2500    $9,875.00
  LCIF    Exercise bands              $14.00      2500    $35,000.00
  LCIF    Portion Control Plates (4 pack)   $20.97   625   $13,106.25
  LCIF    Medical Emergency cards     $2.00       2500    $5,000.00
  LCIF    Cookbook-MyCalorie King     $8.99       2500    $22,475.00
  LCIF    Measuring cups              $1.00       2500    $2,500.00
  LCIF    Website design/hosting      $1,500.00   1       $1,500.00
  LCIF    Bookmarks pack of 25        $2.95       100     $295.00
  LCIF    Printing costs              misc        1       $223.75
  LCIF    Shipping/tax/misc*                      1       $10,000.00

          Total                                   I       $135,000.00

       *This will also budget for
       any increase in prices of
       Items listed above. Any
       unused funds will be
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