Page 28 - Enews December 2019 edition_Neat
P. 28

The Kings & Queens


                   LIONS ROAR,

            “THANK YOU, IVY ROSE

           On Wednesday December 12, 2019 The
           Ivy Rose Foundation of Alpha Kappa Al-
           pha Sorority and Delta Rho Omega Chapter
           (Brooklyn, NY) presented $1,000.00 grant
           to the Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club.
           (See photo) This donation will be used to
           support women’s health and breast cancer
           prevention activities.
           Submitted by
           VDG Anthony Cochran

            SPRINGFIELD GAR-          spectacle of color.   The walk was
              DENS, MAKING            enjoyable and provided a great
            STRIDES AGAINST           opportunity for conversation and
                                      fellowship with Lions from other
             BREAST CANCER            clubs and non- Lions. We made
                                      new friends with fellow Lions
           On October 20, 2019, Lion Sec-  from Wyandanch and Panama
           retary Iris Allen and First Vice   City.  Lion Merle and Lion Iris
           President Merle joined fellow   ended the annual walk with fellow
           Lions and Leos in the Annual   Lion Laverne Harrison at the fin-
           American Cancer Society’s   ish line.
           Making Strides against Breast
           Cancer Walk.               Written by:

           The morning began with a brisk   Secretary Lion Iris Allen
           cool breeze and the crowd of   Springfield Gardens Lions Club
           Lions    wearing in their bright
           yellow vests presented a brilliant

                                                                        LAURELTON STRIDE AGAINST
                                                                                BREAST CANCER
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