Page 29 - Enews December 2019 edition_Neat
P. 29

Volume VII, No. 3

                                   LIONS FIGHT DIABETES NOW

             SPRINGFIELD           betes: Type 1, Type 2 and Gesta- Dr. Davis emphasized that diabe-  regular checkups and taking medica-
                                                             tes can be prevented or managed
                                   tional Diabetes and the risk fac-
                                                                                       tion as directed by the health care
           GARDENS HOSTS           tors for each. We learned that   with deliberate lifestyle changes.   provider.
          DIABETES AWARE-          age 45 and older, overweight,   He encouraged revising the daily
           NESS WORKSHOP           family history of diabetes, physi- diet to include more whole foods,  Dr. Davis further informed the audi-
                                                                                       ence about current developments in
                                   cal inactivity and where you live,  drinking water  instead of sugary
                                   learn, work and grow up can also  drinks, increasing the frequency   the area of holistic medicines to man-
         On a sunny afternoon, the   affect your risk for developing   of  physical activity, attending to   age or treat diabetes.  Finally, Ms.
         Springfield Gardens Lions Club   diabetes.                                    Jasmine Velez, a representative from
         hosted a community workshop                                                   Blue Cross / Blue Shield presented
         entitled Diabetes Awareness and                                               the various types of health plans and
         Prevention.                                                                   offered advice about selecting a per-
                                                                                       sonally relevant health insurance plan.
         Lion Dr. Paulett Kenwood,
         MD20 and District 20-K1 Read-                                                 The event ended with a group photo
         ing Action Program Chairperson,                                               and light refreshments.
         was a welcome guest at this
         event.  The invited presenter was
                                                                                       Written by:
         Lion Dr. Ron Davis.   He clearly                                              Secretary Lion Iris Allen
         explained the three types of Dia-                                             Springfield Gardens Lions Club

           UNITE WITH LIONS,
           GREAT THINGS HAP-

         On World Diabetes Day, the District
         Diabetes Team, including Lion Vin-
         cent from Corona Lions Club and the
         Queens Nepalese Lions Club conduct-
         ed a Diabetes Awareness / Childhood
         Diabetes Program at the local library
         in Lefrak City.

          Lion Melie Mel Salazar from Corona
         Lions Club / Corona Ambulance
         Corps and her team offered
         instructions on what should be done
         when someone is in diabetic distress
         and 911 is called.

         “Re-Think Your Drink “was the hot
         topic for the night.   Lion Jacqueline
         Reyes, the Co-Diabetes Chairperson,
         explained the sugar content in some of
         the drinks we consume daily. It was
         satisfying to see the increased interest
         of the children when this topic was
         discussed.  Many of them pledged to
         start drinking more water.

         Communities are positively impacted
         when Lions clubs share important
         information at events similar to this.

         Lion Mildred Ramirez
         District 20-K1 Diabetes Chairperson
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