Page 16 - Kings and Queens February 2023 Edition
P. 16


                       HUMANITARIAN AWARD LUNCHEON

                                          Reporter: Lion Yolande Cadore
                                        Photographer: Lion Shirley Maddox

    District 20-K1 held its 24 Annual Humanitarian It must also be noted that Leo David is the
    Award Luncheon on January 14, 2023.            How grandson of Lion Jerusha Jacobs also from
    ironic that said event coincided with           the Central Brooklyn Lions Club.        Ms. Jovanne
    celebration of Lion Melvin Jones’ birthday and Augustin,          a   member     of   St.  Augustine
    that of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.              Episcopal Church in Brooklyn, is a jazz singer
                                                          who performed a rendition of “Moody’s Mood
    The Lions Motto is “We Serve” and           Melvin for Love”.         Ms. Augustin also sang the
    Jones reminds us “You can’t get very far until American National Anthem and the Negro
    you start doing something for somebody”. National Anthem at the start of the program.
    Martin Luther King Jr. advises, “Not everybody
    can be famous, but everybody can be great As a token of appreciation, District Governor
    because greatness is determined by service. Ingrid presented a plaque and a Lions ’scarf
    You only need a heart full of grace and a soul to Dr. Brenda M. Greene, Keynote Speaker.
    generated by love”. They both shared the same IPDG Anthony Cochran, Chairperson of the
    views about humanitarian service.                     Humanitarian Awards Committee, thanked the
                                                          D.G and the committee members for their
    It has been two years since District 20-K1 held cooperation and assistance in making the
    an in-person Humanitarian Award Luncheon due event a success.
    to COVID-19.        Recipients of International,
    National and District Awards during this time, In her closing remarks, DG Ingrid reminded
    were also recognized for their humanitarian members to register for the coming Mid-
    services in the stricken communities during Winter Convention scheduled for February 18,
    those dark days.                                      2023. She also encouraged the Lions to visit
                                                          the District’s Website.
    District Governor, Ingrid Andrews-Campbell,
    welcomed the Lions and guests and especially “Be the Best of Whatever You Are”………”If
    applauded the honorees for their selfless you can’t be a highway then just be a trail, if
    service.     She emphasized that as Lions, we you can’t be the sun be a star; it isn’t by size
    work to make a difference in our community.. that you win or you fail – Be the best of
    “Everyone can be great because everyone can whatever you are!”
    serve. We just need a heart of love”, she quoted
    from Dr. King.
                                                          Submitted by,
    Entertainment was provided by Leo David Lion Yolande Cadore,
    Farquhar, saxophonist, from Central Brooklyn Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
    Lions Club, the home club of our District
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