Page 1 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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Serving Lions of District 20-K1 and MD-20 Volume X No. 2 Launched November 2013
“Thanksgiving is a time to give love and reflect on the things that matter most in life” ~ Danielle Duckery
Continue to keep our LCIF strong. Campaign 100 To improve your skills, aspire for personal growth
may be over but there is still a lot of local and everyday and acquire the training to propel you
global neediness to be addressed. We have been from being ordinary to extraordinary. Use every
My Fellow Lions and Leos, shaken by the devastating effects of recent opportunity to inspire members and motivate the
hurricanes that left the people of Puerto Rico aspiring leaders in your club. The GLT/GST team
Autumn is the season that teaches us that
change can be beautiful. International President struggling to restore the electrical grid and has scheduled a series of online “Fire Side Chats”
Brian Sheehan has asked that “we think outside alarmed by the destruction of life, property and and one-hour sessions at the library. I encourage
livelihood in Florida. Our monetary donations you to embrace the opportunity to learn a new
of the box.” For some of us, this is indeed a
change. I am encouraging clubs to get excited empower LCIF to respond quickly and skill and refresh old knowledge. An informed
about new ways to serve. Share the joy of rehabilitate theses distressed areas. So let’s keep leader is better able to make the right decisions
serving and be sure to report your stories. Let’s giving! Clubs are encouraged to apply for the in times of crisis and challenges that we
think big and keep Lions engaged with Community Impact Grants from LCIF to help your encounter along our Lions journey.
innovative service. club accomplish more. Take the opportunity and We have a chance to make this world a better
apply for Matching Grants from our NYS & place. Include our new Lions in decision making
This is the time for us to reflect and commit to Bermuda Foundation, Lions of District 20-K1
fresh and imaginative projects or unconventional Foundation, and the Brandel Murphy Foundation. and give them a chance to lead projects and
approaches to long-standing ones. The district These are additional ways to fund new and activities. Together we can make a difference, if
committee chairpersons have shared resources impactful community based projects. we “lead today for a better tomorrow.”
and recommended some noteworthy service Wishing you Happy Fall!
project ideas. Having a great attitude is Lions are community leaders and a powerful Happy Thanksgiving!
contagious and will inspire your members and voice for those in need. Create awareness and
change around your community. Let us show our Lion Ingrid Andrews-Campbell, PMJF
your community. Others will want to get pride in “leading today for a better tomorrow” District Governor
involved if they see the benefits of their and create that “tomorrow” to make this world Contact DG Ingrid:
engagement. So, share your stories about the
wonderful effect of your club’s involvement in a better place. Online training for club officers
the community. You will be surprised at the remains available in the Lions Learning Center. A
donations from those who cannot join you to leader helps members to think creatively and
perform the service but will financially contribute innovatively. If, as a leader, you are chasing
to the worthy cause. Let us work together to greatness, your members will follow you and
take on more ambitious projects. I urge you to even have you as a role model or mentor.
pursue joint service projects with other like- Leadership is an endless journey of learning.
minded organizations and clubs.