Page 2 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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From the office of From the pen of
1 st VDG Antonio Robles 2 nd VDG Romeo Hitlall
Greetings, Lions and Leos, Dear Lions and Leos,
It is my pleasure to greet you in the spirit of Lionism to which we
This Lionistic year of service is moving forward at an are all firmly committed.
expeditious speed. It is awesome and fulfilling to serve in
the progressive path with our dynamic District Governor, Reports indicate that our clubs are working diligently to make a
Ingrid Andrews-Campbell as we “Lead Today For A Better positive difference in the lives of members of the wider communities
Tomorrow.” where we serve. I congratulate you on the success of your projects
that support the Global Causes of Lions International, and I appreciate
I applaud our 20-K1 family of Lions and Leos for the your diligence as you advocate and “create a better tomorrow” for
continued support and commitment to serve with “unity of others.
As you make plans to celebrate Thanksgiving with your family and
I have been privileged to assist our GMA Champion, PDG friends, I am delighted to know that several clubs will open their heart
Jacqueline Williams in supporting the Zone Chairs, Region to share their blessings with their less fortunate neighbors. As
Chairs and Clubs as they managed their SWOT Analysis to Americans, but especially as Lions and Leos, “We Serve!” Let us pause
develop their respective Vision Statements and organize to thank God for our family, friends, freedom, safety and comforts that
Action Plans. we enjoy.
The SWOT Analysis is an effective tool to improve and
enhance a club’s viability. The process highlights the It is my humble privilege to thank you, my family of Lions and Leos
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges that for giving me the opportunity to be part of a larger community of
impact a club’s success and sustainability. It opens the door service-minded individuals, locally and abroad. I take this role seriously
to efficient goal setting and future planning. as I serve to support the goals of DG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve with you as First During this special season of Thanksgiving, I pledge to double my
Vice District Governor. efforts to provide selfless , “out of the box” humanitarian service as
I wish everyone a Blessed Thanksgiving Season with family recommended by IP Brian Sheehan. I urge you to do the same,
and friends. “leading today to provide a better tomorrow” for all people.
Yours in Lionism, Yours in Lionism,
Lion Antonio Robles, Lion Romeo Hitlall, PMJF
1st Vice District Governor 2nd Vice District Governor
District 20 K-1