Page 6 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 6
From District LCIF Coordinator – Lion Arlene Punnett
The District 20-K1 LCIF Committee collected $873.00 on September 26 at the First District General
Meeting for Disaster Relief to help the people of Puerto Rico.
The District 20-K1 LCIF Fundraising goal for Lionistic Year 2022 - 2023 is $50,000. To date, District 20-
K1 has donated to LCIF $9415.00, which is 19% of our District goal.
The MD20 goal for LCIF Fundraising is $339,227 for all Districts combined within the multiple.
Donations towards the Puerto Rico Disaster Relief are still encouraged and can be made by submitting a
check payable to Lions Of District 20-K1/ Memo: LCIF (Please indicate the cause the money should be
applied) and mailed to LCIF Coordinator, C/O Lion Astrid Campbell, PO. Box 120366, Brooklyn NY 11212.
Attached are other fundraising events District 20-K1 LCIF has organized to encourage clubs to donate to
LCIF. As a reminder, any money mailed or provided to the District 20-K1 LCIF is recorded by District 20-
K1 and submitted to LCIF to document the donation towards the awarding of a Melvin Jones Award.
Lion Arlene Punnett
District 20-K1 LCIF Coordinator