Page 11 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 11


                                     “Another Fall, Another Turned Page” ~ Wallace Stegner

                         DG INGRID ANDREWS-CAMPBELL

                            WELCOMES LIONS AND LEOS


       VISION:       “Healthy Clubs to Provide Practical Service”
       FOCUS:        “Retention and Rebuilding in Our New Norm”.
       MOTTO:        “Leading Today for a Better Tomorrow”
       NEWS FLASH:    Effective July1, 2022, our organization is branded as “LIONS INTERNATIONAL”

       In her inaugural State of the District address to the 2,023 members in 77 clubs, District Governor Ingrid Andrews-Campbell encouraged
       increased club collaboration. She proposed joint projects, club inter-visitations and teaming with other community organizations to
       maximize the impact of service in Brooklyn and Queens.

       Leading by example, she presented a partnership that she has established with the Queens Public Library, South Hollis Branch. Mr.
       Reginald Ford, the branch manager was introduced as a special guest. He described his vision for a joint project with District 20-K1
       and advised that he is currently recruiting engineers to be part of a Drones Program and is also scouting for music teachers.

       To reinforce her philosophy, “Lead Today for a Better Tomorrow,” DG Ingrid emphasized the importance of integrating Leos to serve
       on our projects and give them the opportunity to observe and practice leadership skills. She also announced that a range of
       appealing “out of the box” leadership seminars have been scheduled to motivate new Lions, re-energize seasoned Lions and strengthen
       our clubs.

       In support of the New Voices initiative, she encouraged Club Presidents to nominate Lions and Leos who have made a significant
       difference in the community in the areas of Leadership, Membership, Marketing or Service and have their “voices” heard.

       Kudos to all Region and Zone Chairs for completing their respective online leadership training! Club officers were urged to bolster
       their leadership skills with user-friendly online, self paced training.

       Congrats to Flushing Lions Club as they celebrate 100 years of continuous community service!

       Camp Badger will dedicate a cabin, “Charly’s Place”to honor the memory and legacy of PDG Charles McBride’s dedication to
       unflagging service.

       The meeting concluded with Lions and Leos spontaneously holding each other and belting out in song, the relevant and expressive
       lyrics to “Lean on Me”.

       Submitted by:
       Lion Yolande Cadore
       Kings and Queens E-News Reporter
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