Page 16 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 16




                 Story and Photos by Lion Bianca Ng

    At the beginning of LY 2022 - 2023, Leo Emelie Nguyen, (MD20 Leo
    President, Immediate Past District 20-K1 Leo President and Flushing Central   Photo-op after graduation with IP Bob Sheehan (lying on floor, front
    Leo Club President,) attended the 5th USA/Canada Leo Leadership Forum in   center)
    Visalia, California.
    IP Brian E. Sheehan and IPIP Douglas X Alexander (current LCIF Chairperson)
    were among the speakers. Participants had a choice of valuable classes
    including public speaking, building strong Leo/Lion partnerships, conflict
    resolution and opportunities to establish new friendships.
    In August, the Leos helped Emblem Health Neighborhood Care to distribute
    event flyers and 200 free school bags and supplies to local school children.
    They also managed mini games and provided translation service.
    September was an especially busy month. They assisted with the set up of
    tents, tables and chairs for the 40+ vendors that participated in the  IPIP Doug with Leo Emelie Nguyen, MD20  President
    Flushing BID Street Festival, one of the biggest outdoor community events in
    downtown Flushing. The number of vendors was restricted to half of the pre-
    pandemic level for public safety. Flushing BID Street Festival attracted more
    than 20,000 visitors and Leos were treated with free mochi donuts for their
    Later that month, they partnered with the Flushing Central Lions Club's
    signature event. It was a Seniors’ Celebration Party for which 300+ goodie
    bags were needed. The Seniors’ Celebration Party is an event to honor our
    seniors and give them the love and respect they deserve and thank them for
    their legacy to the next generations.                Leos in service project cleaning used eyeglasses with PCC Bob Stewart
    Flushing Central Leo Club is planning a Toy and Clothing Drive in the
    upcoming months.
    Looking forward to collaborate with other Leo Clubs in District 20-K1 to help
    more communities in need.
    Reported/Photos by:
    Lion Bianca Ng, Leo Advisor

                                                                            Making new friends
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