Page 13 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Fall Editon E-Newsletter 2022
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                            REGIONAL LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, 2022

             “Leading Today for a Better Tomorrow and Creating a Legacy of Leadership”

     Salute to the graduating class !  Cheers to DG   Lions Gloria Rennie-Murray (left) and Marlyne  ZC Pauline Allen-Metropolis Lions
     Ingrid Andrews-Campbell and VDG Antonio Robles   Daniel-Paul (Marine Park)
     (seated in front row)

   DG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell (seated front center) with   Keep on keeping on, Lion Dimple Willabus.   PCC Gloria Askew with the other
   PDG Barbara Moody (left), PCC Gloria Askew and VDG   Thanks for your leadership, PCC Gloria Askew   instructors. Thanks for the dynamic
   Antonio Robles (right) enjoy commemorative photo-op                         insights into quality leadership
   with proud graduates of Regional Leadership Institute                       practices.

   Lion Karen, Farragut Lions, RC Gloria Rennie,  Lions Myrtle, Hollis Lions, Lion Kay, Leaders Lions,  Leo Liaison Grace John, Central Brooklyn
   Marine Park Lions, ZC Pauline Allen, Metropolis,  with DG Ingrid Andrews-Campbell serving on the   Lions and PR Chair Lion Dimple Willabus,
   Lion Sharon Elcock, Stuy Park with DG Ingrid  cancer committee and as Hearing and Speech   First Responders Lions Club with DG Ingrid
   Andrews-Campbell                   Chairperson                         Andrews-Campbell
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